Chapter 9

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Clary's PoV

My alarm wakes me up at an ungodly hour. I groaned and wrapped myself more tightly in my multiple blankets to get warm and cuddly again. I peaked my head out of my cocoon and saw that it was half an hour before my normal alarm to get up. hm noo... I wanted to shower in the morning. damn. i contemplated if it was really needed or if my hair can survive today without it being washed and i could sleep a heavenly half an hour more... i groaned again more loudly and dragged my heavy body out of my warm and perfect, inviting bed to go in the bathroom. 

After surviving the shower and feeling much more refreshed and awake, i get dressed and towel dry my long hair. I add a little mascara but otherwise leave everything natural. Too tired. I stayed up way too late finishing a painting so now i gotta pay the price. I sighed and went downstairs to pick up an apple on the way while skillfully might I add, putting on my shoes. 

I hear a honk outside and a smile starts to grow as i open the door and lock it after picking up my shoulder bag and keys. I walk towards the black car and climb into the passenger seat in the front. A familiar blond head turn towards me. Jace smirks at me as he leans in my direction, giving me a good morning kiss. 

"morning" he murmurs against my lips while my smile just widens in size, being mesmerized and getting lost in his beautiful eyes. I whisper a small greeting back, pecking the corner of his lips teasingly. A load groan bursts our little bubble. 

"alright alright lovebirds... I am still very happy that you figured it all out and so on but it is too early for this amount of smooshing and so on" Izzy complains from the back seat. I just laugh and say a quick morning to my friend. "Oh shut it Iz, we both know that if ur little boyfriend would be here you would be the same" Jace says while easily driving the car on the main road and off the side curb. "where is Alec?" I asked while looking out the window and playing with Jace's hand, that he laid on my knee before driving off. "Magnus picked him up in the morning, saying something about needing quality time before school with Alec" "oh yeah quality time" Izzy says smirking with laughter shining in her eyes. 

It has been about two months after Jace unexpectedly showed up in my bedroom to clear out the misunderstanding and stated that he would work hard to prove to me that he is better and that he has earned to be with me. I have never known the feeling of having someone there for me who genuinely wants to put me first. To want to call me first and wanting to be with me fully. It's a great feeling and slowly with small steps, I have come to accept it and enjoy it. To know that i do deserve this kind of love and attention. That i am not pathetic or a loser. Yeah i am antisocial, quiet, and i love to escape in my own world sometimes, but that does not make me less likable or more deserving of hate. I have now got a close friend group who would protect me every time, who enjoy spending time with me. Plus i got a perfect boyfriend additionally. I am genuinely happy these days, and i will not take it for granted. 

Jace kept his word with wanting to make up for the past and giving me a better present/ future. He used his popularity for the better and called out anyone who laughed at me or called me names. He told me that he feels ashamed and guiltwritten that he never did anything. He just became the stereotypical dumb popular star player of the school, using his standing to belittle others and not standing up for those who needed it. So now he does everything in his power to change the way the 'social' standing affects others and tries to break that very power dynamic. 

It is by no means perfect, but the tension and anxiety filled air in our School is clearing up every day so that hopefully when Jace and the others leave for college, the actions and change are going to be kept up.  

As a couple, Jace and I didn't get together right away. The years of name calling and ridicule plus that day when Jace found out I was Red, really showcased to me what a toll it took on me mentally. It took some time as said above, but I am now in a better place. I still have some moments of low self-esteem where i seek the faults in me and put subconsciously instantly the blame on myself, but its getting better. Jace was there for me in that time. He never expected anything back, he just wanted help me and prove to me that i do deserve everything and that I am good. I was the one in the end who took the first step towards him. 

We had our first real date in a little Cafe at a bay window table with sunlight streaming inside and highlighting Jace's golden complexions and looks. We talked and laughed for many hours with our hands finding each other in the middle of the table without our knowing. We took a stroll in a park afterwards where Jace finally kissed me, relighting that very same firework I felt with our first kiss at the school dance. Remember when i said this wasn't a fairytale story? Well, in that moment it really felt like it was indeed one. 

A hand on my knee giving me a loving squeeze breaks me out of my thinking. We have arrived in school. I looked at Jace and smile at him while shaking me head silently when he gives me a questioning gaze. He smiles back and gets out the car to get our bags out the car trunk. I also exit on the passenger side of the car and close the door after me. Izzy steps out, looking as always like a freaking supermodel with her stylish outfits and killer shoes. She grins at me but her eyes quickly focus on a fast walking figure coming towards us, or more specifically Izzy. 

Simon hugs and twirls Izzy before swooping in to give her a long kiss as if they haven't seen each other in months. And we are the lovebirds?  I join Jace whilst laughing with him about those two. He puts his strong arm securely around my waist and we walk together into the school. 

There are definitely going to be ups and downs facing us in the future, but right now i am indubitable happy and content. I can not wait to see what awaits us but one thing i am sure, is that we are going to be facing it together. And to think this all happened because of a green dress and a mask at a school dance. 

The End 



Well it is finally done! Finished! When i took on this little story idea i never expect it to take me almost 3/4 Years to complete it... Sorry! I mean i started this when i was in 10th grade for god's sake and now i am in my first year of University! Damn... 

alright, anyways... I really am happy with how it came out and i hope you enjoyed it :) 

I would appreciate any sort of comment or vote  :) 

thank you again for reading <3 

love, Alwaysfangirl009 

(I am really starting to regret this username hehe) 

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