Chapter 4

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1 week later

Jace PoV

It's been one week since the ball.One Whole Week, and nothing absolute nothing happened that would help me find Red. On Sunday i printed out the drawing from Red in hopes that someone, anyone would know who might draw like this. All my friends thought that it was some kind of joke, "Jace,man you can have anyone whats so special about her ?" they said. Yeah well i mean it, ever since the ball I can't stop thinking about Red and the kiss, even in my dreams she is there with her green dress and black mask. 

In school i looked at every girl with red hair, surprisingly there are more than i thought, but no one came up to me to say it was their drawing and their are Red, no one. But i will not give up, i will find her, i know i have to find her, there was something, something i can't and will not ignore.

Clary PoV

I feel bad for not telling Jace that I'm the girl from the ball, but I'm afraid he will laugh at me or not believe me.He probably already forgot about me, its been a week nobody, especially Jace the player, would wait so long for some girl they met only one time. 

"Clary, come on you have to tell him" Izzy whined when we were on our way out of school. "Iz you know I can't, he searched one week for the girl from the Ball and i mean my red hair is kind of an attention seeking color and he couldn't see me..." I said sadly." I know my big brother can be an idiot but i also know that he's desperately searching for you" Izzy tried to reason with me.              

"really? how so?" " well other than talk about you, I would find him daydreaming all the time and when i ask what he's thinking, he just smiles at me and goes back to do what he's been doing" Izzy said. I couldn't help the smile on my face when I heard that. 

"you really think I should tell him?" I ask shyly "Yes you should clare" I hummed an answer and continued walking towards the parking area. " hey how about you come to my house to hang out and while there you can also tell Jace who you are, without being disturbed" Izzy excitedly suggested. 

I thought about it and to tell him there would really make it easier, without all the girls or his friends around him. I'm still afraid and really nervous but I mean even if he would laugh at me it wound't really make a difference to how it has been before with our relationship (Him being popular and me being a nobody). 

It will probably break my heart to see him finally notice me and then laugh at me for trying to tell him I'm this mystery girl form the Ball, me the Art freak. I sighed and nodded. Izzy jumped up and down excitedly and hugged me before running off to Simon who waited on us at her car that was next to mine. 

"you really want to do this clare?" Simon asked when i came over to them. " yeah i thinks so, I mean what do i have to loose right?" I said trying to sound casual but failing miserably to hide my nervousness and fear. Simon smiled softly at me and hugged me 

"He would be a fool to not see how amazing you are " he whispered in my ear while hugging me. "and always remember fray you are this girl, this is you and if he doesn't see this, he doesn't deserves you" He said after pulling back. "thanks Simon" I said smiling at him feeling a little better after his words. He's the only one who knows how big and long my crush on Jace is, so to hear this really helps. 

After the drive to the Lightwoods house, we all got out and walked the driveway up to their house. It was breathtaking beautiful with all the plants and flowers and stone walls. It was an old mansion but still had its charm and obviously a lot of love. 

The nearer we came to the door the more i got nervous. " calm down Clare , he still has practice so he isn't home yet" Izzy said before she opened the door. I instantly felt myself calm down and was able to admire the interior of the entry way. It was a mixture of traditionally  townhouse style interior and a tiny bit of modern style. We went inside the living room to see Alec and Magnus making out on the white couch. I instinctive blushed and look away as Izzy cleared her voice to get their attention . 

Alec sprung immediately up from the couch and Magnus just looked amused at his boyfriend. "uhh h-hey Iz your home early " Alec stuttered blushing with wild black hair and untucked shirt with a few buttons open. "the better question here my dear brother is what are you doing home early?" Izzy said grinning. "uh"he cleared his voice before saying "our last period got canceled so we could go home early" "well that has been fun dears but Alexander and I were kind of in the middle of something" Magnus said impatiently but still  smiling sweetly up at his blushing Boyfriend.

"yeah yeah just one question then you can have him all to yourself" Izzy said impatiently."are mom and dad home yet?" Izzy asked her brother, who shook his head, no, before being pulling back down on top of his grinning Boyfriend. 

Izzy said to follow her up to her room before witnessing another make out session from her brother. Izzy's room was a mess, full of clothes and makeup but i found a place in front of her desk to sit. Izzy and Simon snuggled a top of her bed and began to talk with each other while i just sat there. Eventually i pulled my sketchbook out to finish my drawing I started in math today. 

After some time I heard the front door open and close before hearing fast and loud footsteps running up the stairs. "looks like Jace is home"Izzy said smirking at me. Like a bang all of my fears and nervousness came rushing back to me and consuming me. This is really happening i am going to tell my long time crush that I'm the girl he has been looking for, the girl he kissed.Oh god

Suddenly there was a knock at the door before opening, revealing Jace in dark blue jeans, a black tight shirt revealing his abs and strong chest and still wet blond godlike hair from probably showering after training. My heart raise picked up and i looked everywhere but him. " Hey Izzy, oh and Simon" Jace said with his deep voice. He still hasn't noticed me, no surprise there. 

Izzy silently pointed my directions, I wanted to kill her . His eyes followed her finger and landed on me. His eyes widened and said " oh hey i didn't see you there , sry I'm Jace, Izzy brother and you are Simons best friend right?" He smiled softly at me and i felt as if my heart melted under his gaze. "uh C-clary is m-my name" I muttered and stuttered blushing. 

"well okay, nice to meet you clary" He said and i had never heard my name sounding so beautiful before. "anyway, I just wanted to say Izzy that Mom called me to tell you and Alec that her and Dad are going out to dinner, so we can deliver take out" He said while looking at Izzy, who nodded still grinning like a maniac. 

Jace looked weirdly at her Sister before leaving the room and closing the door behind. I couldn't even release the breath I have been holding before Izzy jumped of her bed while shrieking and trowing herself on me, causing us to fall down at the floor , which luckily was full of clothes. "OMG!I can't believe it "she shrieked in my ear causing me to close my ears with my hands. 

Simon just laughed at me and helped me up and then Izzy. He soon hugged me and said "I'm so proud of you Fray and it wasn't so bad" I laughed lightly and smiled brightly. I can't believe I actually talked to him being myself without choking on the words. "so now all you have to do is be you while we're eating dinner and he will really notice you and see that your Red and then he will take you in his arms and kiss you and then you will live happily ever after as Jace and Clary Lightwood" Izzy babbled excitedly.

I laughed and blushed and Simon just snickered and placed his arm around her waist to kiss her. Soon enough Alec called us down saying they have the food and we should come down. This is it, I am really going to have dinner at the same table as Jace. My heart is going over drive as I walked behind Simon  and Izzy the stairs downstairs. As we walked down the last stair and turned around to walked into the dining room I told myself over and over again that i can to it, its just dinner at the same table with Jace...oh god .


AN: Just wanted to apologize for not updating for months. I have been really busy with school work and private stuff, so sorry. I will try to update more often and would love to know what you think so far about my story :) 

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