The Blackout

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I walked out of the house to school. Why did Hollywood have to be so bright?! The sun burned me, but the lights that felt like were shining on me was more burning! I felt like a vampire with the lights on my pale skin. I didn't have a hood to save me, just a hoodless leather jacket. My hair was so thin and straight, you could possibly see my face. My hands had shrunk to the point where you can see little of the bone. My wrist were thin with spike bracelets on them. My white shirt was dirty and loose. My jeans made my boned legs so uncomfortable. The only savior in my outfit were my boots. they made the walking better. I finally arrived at the school, Osan Middle. I saw no one outside; I thought they already went inside. I assumed I was late, but when was I never? I walked into the building to find all the outsiders talking to everyone. But when I looked straight once more, she was there. The one who put me here, the one who made it all happen; Megan Crystal! I could've had the chance to suffocate her at that moment; that one little moment in front of the school! But I didn't. No one even held me back, I just stood there as I watched her walk away from my sore eyes. If I had to do something, it would be watching her. I walked back out into the burning sun and looked out for that sweet little devil. She and the school demon herself, Sonia Riddle, were sitting next to each other. I felt bad for the kid who had to get bumped by Megan. Why was she so heartless?! I assume she is. They talked during the entire announcements. No one saw me as my eyes peeked through the thin, thin blinds of the window. Even the teacher didn't see me. I heard the bell ring, and everyone left the classroom. I ran straight inside, to the closest door to the locker room. I didn't bother to change my outfit, I was in a rush to beat Megan and any of her followers to the gym before they see me. I hid under the bleachers and waited, very patiently. I saw Megan's friends beat Megan from the locker rooms. They waited in the middle of the gym. I was buried in the darkness, my black outfit had no shine. It was perfect. Then Megan came out. She hated her outfit. I could tell from the way she was picking at it like a scab on a person's face. Sonia was the last to come out. She said something to Megan, but what? If it was one thing, it was to tell her to go in the gymnastics room. Once Sonia followed inside, everyone else left the gym. I knew there was more people still in that gymnastics room. I never came out of the shadows. I still hid in the bleachers. I heard Megan's name being yelled. Then it hit me. Sonia was picking a minion to "help" rule the school. It was worthless. Everyone came out of the room, except for Megan and Sonia. They walked outside to Join the rest of the class. Once the door was shut, I made my move. I climbed up the bleachers and hid at the top. No light, so dark; dark enough to hide me. The final two women stepped out of the room. Sonia minded her own business and walked outside like a fool. I stared down at Megan. It was her and I. I watched her dance in the gym lights.

"Megan Crystal! The new ruler of Osan Middle School! Watch as she blows the doors wide open as she for fills her plan to take down the outsiders!" It was all she could say before I gave my round of applause. I spoke with ease.

"Give a round of applause to Megan Crystal Everyone! She knows what's best for you!...Whether you like it or not." Memories faded inside my dark head. But she decided to pardon me instead of taking action. How kind of her to do a foolish thing.

"Excuse me, you are..?"

"They call me 'The Blackout'." She was in so much confusion from the look in her eyes.

"I demand your real name!" It was hilarious how she thought I bowed to her! She really thought that I was one of the cowards! Ha! How fitting of her personality. I stepped down without a care in the world, but something was burning me. There it was. The light that could make or break anyone. Lady Luck in her true form; The Spotlight. It only hurt a little, so I was able to leave with ease.

"Don't turn your back at me," she demanded. That was when my spine of anger cracked like an egg.

"No," I shouted back, "You shouldn't turn your back to them! It is your fault I am like this!" She was so confused, that she had no desire to talk anymore.

"Stay in your place, never move it." Those were my final words to her before I left the room. My back burned with her stare now that she was the "right hand girl". I waited outside the hallways, knowing she would come crawling back for answers. The lights in the school still burned me with ease, but I was used to it. I decided to go back outside to watch her. But for now, she was still in desire for my name, which will always be...The Blackout.

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