Chapter 4

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I went to bed unknowingly of what I did. I didn't know if The Blackout was going to haunt me now. But I knew that whatever she was doing, it was creepy. Like, MEGA creepy. I closed my eyes and hoped that it was enough to make my fear fade away into nothing. The cold shiver I felt only made it worse as the hours passed by. My blanket wasn't thick enough to keep the cold out. I probably shouldn't have been so spoiled from the years before now. I didn't want to move because my bed was loud; VERY LOUD. I hunched my entire body like a cat, and hoped that it could keep me warm. It fortunately did. I just had to move quietly every time. The sun rise woke me up. The beams bullets into my eyes. I woke up before my alarm did. It was Friday, so it was either get the plan done today, or Monday, no do overs! I did my morning routine, from getting dressed, to eating nothing. The doorbell rang as i was heading downstairs and fixing my backpack for school. I went to the door to find a familiar, eerie person at my door.

"Hello, Megan." The Blackout was at my porch, looking directly into my eyes. Her pale river eyes flowed majestically with the sun. However she still burned from said light. I could tell from the steam coming off her leather jacket. "I came to walk you down to school today."

"I-I..u-umm-" I couldn't speak! I didn't have the urge to say 'thank you'. I just stuttered like a stage frighted person that HAD to be on stage. The Blackout demanded me to get my bags and hurry up, or she will go on without me. If I passed that offer, of course my parents would yell at me. But then again, would people see me different if I walked with an outsider? Would they care? DO people care? I had no choice though. I quickly got my things as I asked myself so many more questions. I got out of the house and closed the door behind me. I couldn't tell if she WAS getting used to me, or if all of this was a trap. But no matter what, we had to keep moving.

"I got the tapes you needed." She pulled one out of her backpack behind her the minute she started that sentence. However I could see another one. Was it backup just in case? Was she recording me?! As I asked so many more questions than last time, The Blackout told me too calm down. Did she read my mind?!

"Yes, I did." She....actually read my mind? How? I guess a perk for the Quiet Zone, I suppose. I told her to stay in the shadows, and look out for what Sonia was going to do. She reminded me that it was her job to stay in the shadows in the first place. I figured. From her black, hooded jean jacket, to her black leggings, it was easy to tell that she is used to being ignored. But, was she? I mean, the last few times I stumbled past her house, there was no car of such. Did she live alone? The minute I asked that, The Blackout had a straight forward answer: Yes. I felt SO bad!  Why did I think that!? What was wrong with me?! Wait a minute. Why am I even caring about this outsider in the first place?! This is an outrage! I could've spent majority of my time just looking at my phone! But NO! For some reason I actually care about this dweeb! I could go on and on, but what I last said, about caring about her, it somehow ticked her off. She pushed me against another house's fence. Her fore-arm was on my neck. It was just like the first time we met. She despised me. I was terrified. I finally saw the reason why I cared. It was because her and I were alike, however oppositely. She was filled with ravines rage and had nothing to lose, while I was holding grudges and had everything to lose. I quickly apologized for my actions. She put me down slowly, and went on alone. I was ready to assume she didn't want to help anymore. I walked to school just in time for the bell to ring. I sat in my seat in my first core class, forgetting that Sonia was sitting next to me. When Sonia entered the room, a sudden feeling occurred. A feeling of horror. My eyes followed hers. We stared each other down. I wanted to look away, but her grass plain eyes pulled me in. She sat next to me. I couldn't move! I just sat there in plain silence. How could I do this?! The Blackout was the only one who could help me, and now I lost her! I was doomed. That WAS the case, until the announcements came on. It wasn't the morning one though. It was The Blackout!

"Attention Students!" I quickly froze. Was she going to call me out? Is she betraying me?! No, I couldn't say that. I betrayed her first. She quickly moved on, but not the way I expected. "I would like all students to report to the Auditorium, please and thank you!" I didn't know what to do. But the teacher fell for it anyway. She directed us to form a line and move to our designated area. I was scared. Sonia was behind me. I was in the worst situation possible. I moved along the line and hoped that it wasn't going to be the end. I only hoped that I could apologize earlier than what she was going to do. I decided to rearrange my plan. I was going to make the school equal first, and then get Sonia out of her throne. This was for The Blackout, and no one else.

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