Chapter 5

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I walked so silent, I could hear a fly's wing beat. No one knew what the heck was going on; all but me, at least with a few suggestions. I kept walking, the wing beats grew louder. They couldn't stop! Why wouldn't they stop!? Why did I say what I said?! Is this how I die?! Why do all of these questions pop into my head?! What if The Blackout read all of them?! Did she have answers?! Why am I so paranoid?! I had to calm down, for who knows what she was going to do. As I walked to the Auditorium doors, a guard put his hands on my chest, telling me to stop. He directed me to a room. It was across the hall from the Auditorium, however far. I sneakily walked to where I was directed without being caught. I opened the door, and I was greeted by the dark angel herself

"About time," The Blackout spoke. I was in shock that she wanted to see me face-to-face and not when she stepped onto the stage. I didn't know what to say, however it had to be along the lines of "I'm sorry."

"The plan is coming into motion. Be ready to go on stage." I was very confused. Was she not mad at me? Did she forget?

"Remember I can read your mind, still," She reminded me. I guess she heard my Paranoia and heard that I was sorry. But I still needed answers. When did she get footage of Sonia? Maybe from when we went our separate ways,  I guess. It was almost time to get on stage, due to the microphone being loud, as our principal, Ms. Fuyar, was talking about the announcements being an accident. The Blackout directed me to the Auditorium to back stage. As we prepared, the smoke rose from her shoulders once more. We stood next to each other and took a breathe.

"This better work," I cherished, "or you've risked your freedom."

"I don't have anything to lose, Crystal." The Blackout stepped out first. Gasps beckoned the room. I then walked slowly beyond the curtains. Chatter and theories shattered the silence. The Blackout gave out her voice in a strong, inspiring way as she explained herself

"We're gathered here today to applaud an Insider! An Insider that seems to knock out anyone who gets near her throne! An Insider that has blamed my friends here, Megan Crystal! That said Insider is none other than Sonia Riddles!" She pointed directly at Sonia's soul in the middle of the right side of the room. The room spoke louder than before with the chatter and gasps. Sonia had a "I feel betrayed" look. She stared into my eyes. I knew that she wouldn't take this well, or let this be her last laugh. The Blackout kept explaining the cause. She pulled out a remote and pressed a big button. A projector screen came down from the ceiling and the projector itself turned on. It showed something that I thought could never be replayed again. It was the moment when her and I caught Sonia telling Avery that I wanted her in the dirt. Everyone looked at Sonia in disbelief. Sonia was angry, more than she was before. She was caught red-handed. A teacher came up on stage to shut this down.

"I understand your reasons for doing this, but this is unacceptable!" While I had a terrified face, The Blackout had that emotionless face she always had. "I'm giving a pass on this, but the next time a stunt like this is pulled, I'm going to call both of your parents!" The teacher then walked off into the darkness behind the stage. The Blackout grabbed my forearm and pulled me to one of the double doors near by. The crowd of children and teachers left the room, talking about what happened. As we walked, I quickly stopped her to say four words.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry." I then ran off on my own. I could feel The Blackout looking back with her pale eyes. I looked back, and saw a smile form on her face. It was...extraordinary. I wanted her to do that all the time. This was good. I gained her trust again. I could see my future being bright with our divided sides united. Nothing can stop me now. This was it! My final stretch the the throne!

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