Chapter 7|The Blackout

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    After that stunt Sonia tried to do, I decided to run back home after school ended. I knew that Megan had questions. Why was I really called The Blackout? Why did she see me stare hypnotically at the TV? Those are questions I can't answer. I then waited for Megan to follow behind me to return home herself. As we each went our separate ways, I decided to let her in the Quiet zone. She now knows more about us outsiders than she knows of the society we reside in. I opened the door to my distorted home. I sat on the couch and waited. I waited until to perfect moment to let her in. I could hear her thoughts. They blasted aloud with scrambled questions. Questions that mattered but can't be answered. I then had a moment were my thin, empty gut said that it was now that I needed to let her in. I closed my eyes and fell quiet. I had entered the Quiet zone. I spawned a book I was reading. Very interesting I must say. I sat back and relaxed as I waited for Megan to receive my message. I imagined a letter on her bed that only she could see. It told her to visit me in the Quiet zone. There, I would explain more than she'd expected. Around 5 minutes later, she entered, floating in the floor-less room. She shared gazes with me. She made herself at home by putting herself in a sitting position. Her arms around her knees. I made the book disappear beyond air. I stood up as she questioned her appearance here.

"I brought you here because I need to discuss about phase two of our plan." I knew Megan had an idea, but it wouldn't work; not anymore at least

"Yeah," she responded with and eager tone. "I was thinking that we could make an announcement to help unite the school! No more outsiders and insiders, only students. Like you wanted!" I appreciated her offer. And I have to admit, it was a solid idea, but we needed to be specific. It seemed like a good start, but the bridges needed to be built.

"Okay, so what do we do, your majesty?" I made myself sound pity-like so that I can inform her about the throne that she finally took. She had no idea due to the fade of her smile to a frown. On the other hand, I had an idea.

"Don't worry. I have something." Megan leaned closer to me, interested in what I had in mind. "All you have to do is get rid of The Spotlight."

"Spotlight? As in the Gym lights?"

"Of course, what other spotlight is there in the building?"

"Well how do we bring it down?" I summoned a weapon that can easily let the lights fall. The room grew darker. Lights flickered on and off slowly. I formed a gun from thin air. I handed it to Megan, telling her that she will use it to destroy The Spotlight with it. She was in terror.

"What if I accidentally shoot someone? What if I shoot you?!" Her paranoia came from just a look. I became stubborn to her rejection. I then made the gun disappear and walked closer to Megan right up to her ear.

"It will be in your drawer for tomorrow. And if you don't do it, I will." I quickly vanished back to reality, where I had still been sitting in front of the TV, playing static over and over again. I then went upstairs and grabbed a key from the closet from the room that had nothing in it...well, almost nothing. I laid the tape recorder there that I had recorded something in. I grabbed the key to my room and walked out of the blank room. I opened my room and changed into my night-wear. I closed the door once more as I walked out and locked it. I went back into the blank room to place the key back in the closet. I walked downstairs and sat back on the couch. I leaned on my side and started sleeping. My dream was frightful, yet calming. It was about...home. My home was in my eyes, but then once I woke up, and all I saw was my rotten house. I then sat up and looked at the TV once more. The dots reminded me of the snow I enjoyed back where I came from. But even without the room and the static, something about Megan brings back the memories of home. Like she is my sister of some sort. But even if I told her who I was and where I came from, she would never believe me, nor see me the same. I then went back to sleep without a dream in my head.

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