Chapter 6|The Burnt out

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I knew she wouldn't live with being framed. But teaming with an Outsider?! BULLCRAP!! How did his even get along with such a disgrace and waster of life so well?! And most of all, how did they catch me at that point of time?! Even if this "Blackout" recorded the whole thing, it doesn't make sense on how Megan knew as well. Maybe a lucky day for her it seems. Or was she led there? That makes more, yet no sense at all. How did The Blackout know about that moment in the first place? Does it matter? Not anymore it seems due to me being exposed to everyone now. I stormed out of the Auditorium and decided to skip the rest of school. I walked home and greeted my parents

"Sonia, dear," My mother said in surprise. "Why are you out so early? Didn't school just start?"

"Something happened at school so they let us all go. They said it was a health code violation and someone was dying of food poisoning." I had the most wonderful gift of all; getting away with lying. Even my parents couldn't tell I was giving them false information. Heck, they never knew about me using people to get on top of the popularity list, and stay there for however long I want. Besides, even if they did know, they would just argue with the school for framing me on everything that happened. So even if the school called about me dragging down that Avery to an outsider, they wouldn't believe it.

"Oh dear, thank goodness you didn't eat there before you got sick!"

"I know. So I'm going to go to my room and do my work on zoom instead."

"Okay, dear!" I didn't do a thing about school. I just sat there on my bed and scrolled through Snapchat. I saw Megan's Snap and viewed her pictures. I could tell her parents didn't love her at all. Like I could understand. I always get what I want. And what I want is my throne back! Now that Megan booted me out, she's probably going to need some direction. And The Blackout will surely be no help. All I have to do is get her away from my prey, and then let Megan do the slaughtering. Yes, that seems perfect enough. All I have to do is find where The Blackout lives. I got out of my bed and walked downstairs. I put my shoes on and put my hand on the knob.

"I'm going to my friends house to study! Love you Mommy! Love you Daddy!"

"Love you Honey!" My parents called back. I started walking Down the street when I realized that school wasn't done yet. My plan was a disaster at this point. I decided to go door to door asking if they knew anything about her location. Some said look for a pale red house with no cars on its driveway. That was no help at all. Almost all of the houses looked pale. And even if they were multicolored, there were a coupled houses that were red as well. I found one house though. A house blood red with no cars. I looked inside and saw a TV that only played static noises. It took me a while to figure out that THIS was the place. I decided to go inside and wait for her. As I stepped inside, I was almost sick to my stomach. There were flies everywhere, rotten meat scattered on the tables, and everything was dirty and dark. I walked upstairs and was greeted with a hallway. I tried opening some of the doors, but they were locked. There was one door I was able to open, but it was empty. As in nothing was in it. I kept trying to open more doors, until I found another door. It was covered wall to wall with hypnotic looking pictures. It was also destroyed and scattered with items. I looked closer at the walls and I noticed that some of them had words on it. Some said "Go away," while one wall was written in blood. It was above the door I came through. It read "No way home." I didn't know what that meant. Was she lost? Was she homeless? Pfft, who cares, right? It's just an Outsider who's trying to scare us Insiders. I walked back to the door, but then it slammed shut. I fell on the floor, and the walls started to move closer. I was crawling to get away, but it was useless. I tried crying for help, but nothing would happen. Before the walls touched me, they started bending. I opened my eyes and saw The Blackout standing there in front of me. She came closer as I ran out of room to crawl away. She bent down to look at me straight in the eyes.

"Get. Out." She said. I blinked for a moment, and she, along with the horrors, were gone. The room was normal again, the drawings, the scattered items, all back in their places. I got up and ran out. I ran back to my house and to a friend of mine. I quickly knocked on their door, begging to let them answer. A woman opened the door.

"Sonia," she said. "What can I do for you, today?"

"I need to see Jess, please."

"Oh, well she isn't home right now, but I'll tell her that you came by and said hello." That was the most crappy thing I ever heard. I just decided to run to the next house, but even after the next and after the next, they all said that they weren't home yet. For a student who spends their time at school looking through her phone to make the time go faster, school is a lot longer than I thought. I decided to head home when I found a friend walking home. Her name was Victoria Rick. She was the easiest one it of all of my friends to talk to. I ran up to her waving my hand.

"Oh, hi there," Victoria greeted. "I assumed you got out early, so I decided to do the same so you had company!"

"Perfect timing. Listen, The Blackout, she is CRAZY!!" I held Victoria's arms tightly in fear. She looked terrified after I yelled at her.

"What do you mean? Aren't all Outsiders crazy?"

"Not like her though. She twists reality and can stand in front of you in any moment. She's like a spirit that's haunting me!"

"We can try to call the paranormal people to see what is up with her."

"YES! Good idea!" We tried so, but they said that all they ever did on TV was fake. I should've known that she meant the people on TV. of course they are fake! I told her to never go near her house in her life.

"O-Okay, I understand?"

"Thank you, now have a good rest of your day." I left walking back to my house. She stood there with a "I think you've gone crazy" kinda face. I wasn't! I knew what I saw. I never told my parents about it, because THAT would be super dumb to do. I tried sleeping when I got home, but I was to terrified to do so. I knew either I had to kill her, or I convince my parents to move. The real answer was simple. After dinner, I slept much better. The next morning I changed my clothing and got downstairs. There was a not saying that they had to go to work early. I didn't care as much. I tied my shoes and picked up my backpack. I looked to my right and looked at the knife rack. I wanted to bring it with me. I decided to take one of them, put it in my bag, and walk out the door.

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