Chapter 1: The Spotlight

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It was only a regular day in Hollywood, or what felt like Hollywood. There were so many lights shined at my way. They screamed my name! Megan, Megan, Megan was all I could here as I traveled to school. But what was outside could never be inside. I walked into my school, Osan Middle School, only to find it packed with filthy outsiders. I couldn't stand them just loathing in MY school! I knew if I was popular, they would be long gone. I walk to my locker and saw my friends, Julian Mason and Amberley Bush, standing in front of my locker, talking amongst themselves. I ran my way to them to get caught up in the situation. I asked them what they were talking about. Amberley told me that Sonia Riddle, the most popular student in the building ever, was gonna choose someone as her right hand girl! I could be that girl! So many possibilities that could change this school! Even make it my own! Think about it, Megan Crystal and Sonia Riddle, side by side, ruling the school! It feels-no, it IS perfect! I had to do something. I quickly sorted my things in and out of my locker and ran straight to class. In order to be popular, you must break the rules. So of course I would run in the hallways for Sonia. Everything I was willing to do was gonna be for her, and her only. However, I felt like I was being watched; like someone was stalking my every move. I turned around for one second, but no one looked at me. I don't know why it bothered me. I mean the point of being popular is so you get more attention. But it was scaring the crap out of me. It brought the chill into my bones as if they were a ghost. What IF a ghost IS watching me?! I didn't even do anything wrong! I spent my life being popular! Maybe I'm just over reacting; I just need to get this spot. I walked to my class to find the one that rules them all. The hail marry of my life. The one that can change my life. Sonia Riddle was right there, next to my seat! She never sat next to my seat; not even for a minute! I walked to my seat, staring at Sonia as she stared back. She looked like she was disturbed by something. Or maybe someone. Was I staring for too long? I looked away from her and saw that I bumped into a student's seat. They begged their apology, but I never forgave them. If they never chose their seat to be there, they wouldn't have hurt me when I was walking. I looked back at Sonia, and saw she was impressed. I smiled with joy. That spot was mine! I could feel it in my chilled bones! I sat in my seat and felt the passion as Sonia's aura shimmered with the school lights. She wanted to start a conversation, but I could tell she didn't know how. She knew nothing about me. I decided to begin the chat.

"Sonia Riddle," I introduced, "it is an honor to meet you. My name is Megan Crystal." I shook her hand like a queen. Her orange, curly hair complimented so nicely with her pearl teeth that showed when she smiled.

"The honor is mine to meet someone about this role as my right hand girl. Tell me, what made you have motivation for this spot?" I didn't know how to answer. I just spoke about how I always wanted to be popular; how it was my dream every since first grade.

"Oh it's everyone's dream to be noticed, darling. But some aren't interesting enough to be so." She spoke the book of popularity! She must've written it if so! We talked the entire class. It felt so good to get close to someone like her. I had to scream it! I had to shout it! After announcements, I had to leave that class. I didn't want to leave though. But Sonia had already left the room. There was no point to stay. I left Social Studies and went to the girls locker room. I changed into my P.E clothes. It looked hideous on me, but it was all I had to wear before shopping again. I walked out and saw Julian and Amberley standing in the middle of the gym. I walked up to them to tell the good news. They freaked out so bad, that they felt like they needed to give me a diamond. But they didn't, for I felt like I could buy it myself. But while we were speaking of her, the majesty herself came out of the locker room. Sonia had the perfect outfit that I needed. She came towards me and complimented my outfit. I told her it sucked, but she denied it! Never in my life did I have a person like HER actually say that my outfit was good! I had the ticket to Sonia town right in my grasp. She told me to go in the gymnastics room, where everyone that has participated is in there. I ran straight in. I opened the door, and saw so little people in the room. Some I knew, and the rest were disgusting outsiders. Why would they even try to get this spot?! This is just wasting their time! A little later, Sonia came in clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. We all lined up in front of the queen herself, and waited for her announcement on who is her right hand girl.

"As I witnessed every single one of your skills for popularity, I have decided to choose one person as my right hand girl!" My thumbs twindled, and my sweat started running fast. Her suspense killed me. She finally said the name that would change everything!

"Megan Crystal!" It was me! I had done it! I was finally popular! I had finally for filled my dream! I was desperate to hug Sonia, but I didn't want to take that chance. Once everyone left, I ran up to my master and asked for a hug. She thankfully let me, and took that chance like it was my only. As I walked out, everyone was gone. Sonia walked outside, but I chose to stay inside. I walked at the center of the gym and danced in the spotlight. I had finally become popular! I yelled my name! I yelled my accomplishment. But the feeling of being watched came back to me. Then SHE arrived. Clapping had begun out of the silence. I turned around and saw her.

"Give a big round of applause to our new queen! Megan Crystal everyone! She knows what's best for you!...Whether you like it or not." She just sat there in the bleachers. I thought I was the only one in the room. I didn't know who she was. I asked her her name, but she just told me to call her "The Blackout." I didn't know what she meant, but I was already to self absorbed to care. I demanded her to not tell me what to do, but she actually had the audacity to talk back! I never met an outsider like her before. She actually thinks she can be an insider, like me, by talking back! Ha! She never stood a chance against me when it came to being popular. But all she did was talk about something bad that I never even caused. All I wanted to know was one thing at this point; who was she really?

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