Chapter 8|The Spotlight

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I was given a hard job at this point. Who knew being the queen could be so...ruthless. I just had to sleep it off. I knew that if I don't do this, Sonia could come back at me with something I could never shake off. I slept uneasy that night. I couldn't get the feeling of something wrong off my head. I shifted on my bed for hours. I wasn't comfortable with what I was gonna do tomorrow. But it was the only thing left to do. Anyone could go mad over standing at the center of the spotlight. Even I did; and it brought me here. I kept shifting and groaning for the rest of the night. I knew The Blackout expected me to just go along with her plan, but I couldn't. It was horrifying to just hear the words from her. Gun, shooting, crashing; all those words were in the plan, but it didn't sound right in my head. What if I accidentally shoot somebody? What if I shot myself? What if the spotlight crashed on The Blackout? Would I be haunted if so? Would she never forgive me? It mattered so much at this point. This was it. The home stretch to fixing everything in this cruel world. If I had one thing left to say before I get expelled after my stunt, it was that all of what I had done the past few days were for not only the school, but for The Blackout. I couldn't give up now. She expects me to do this without hesitation, without fear. So I'll do her biding the way she wants me to. The sun rose, and it made a slit of color between my curtains. My alarm went off as I woke up. I got dressed and packed my bag. Before I left, I check my room to see if The Blackout put the gun somewhere. I opened drawers after drawers, until the one in my vanity was the lucky one. I found a pistol lying in the cupboard. I grabbed it with my shaking hands. I had a firm grip to its handle. It was silver-black so the light shined on its rim. The leather that was wrapped on the handle made the grip much more comfortable. I put my palm under the handle and a compartment dropped from it. I looked inside, and there it was. It was only one of its kind. A bullet, already snugged in there, rested in its small space. I put the compartment back inside, and placed the gun in my bag. I walked downstairs and out the door, without a word. I walked as fast as I could. I needed to be there before Sonia. I raced to the school. For the first time, I was early. I found my friends in the crowd. I told them the plan about how I was going to shoot the chandelier down.

"No way," Amberley said in awe. Her jaw dropped to the floor. The same went with Julian, as he looked at me like I was a psycho. I knew what they had in their heads. That I was going to get expelled, and I had to move, and be homeschooled, and never see the light of day. I was prepared for the worst.

"If anything goes south," I pleaded, just know I love you guys, and that I would never ever replace you." We each hugged me another in a group hug. We squeezed each other until we couldn't breathe. Finally we were let in. We walked inside and to our lockers. I put my back pack in my locker, but put the gun in my pocket, and covered it with my shirt. I walked to class and sat in my seat. I began to be nervous, as The Blackout, from the slits of the blinds outside, stared at me. I nodded my head t tell her that I knew what I was doing. She then left as one of the kids past her view. I faced the door as I saw Sonia walked in the room. She didn't seem...herself. Her smile felt more dark, and her usual orange curly hair covered one of her eyes. She planned something, but what? I sat there in my seat, waiting for Sonia to take to her desk next to me. We had the worst tension as we faced the board once the announcements were over. I curled my hands to fists, and as the minutes went by, I felt like I was strangling somebody with my tensed fists. Sonia sat like a royal child. Her face showed no emotion. I couldn't do anything yet, but it had to be soon. It felt like forever that finally the bell rang and I quickly got up and sped-walked to my locker. I double checked to see If I had everything; even the gun. Julian came up to me from behind, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"You alright," he asked

"No, I'm not. I'm worried something will happen." I had every paranoia come to my face to tell me that something, just one thing, will absolutely go wrong. It was like a thousand voices swirling around me like in The Outside. It gave me goosebumps just thinking about it. I shook it off and closed my locker. The final moment was here. The last stand to bring this school together once and for all. I hugged Julian for a good luck, goodbye, and a thank you. He put his arms around me and tugged me into his chest. My head rested on his shoulder. I didn't want to let go. If this WAS the final meet with him, then I had to saver it with every second I had. I finally let go and braced myself.

"Here goes nothing," I told myself. It may seem like I had nothing to lose. But at the moment, I realized that I had EVERYTHING to lose. My busy, broke parents, my friends, The Blackout, my reputation. All of it would go down the drain. I turned my hands to fists and rested my head low. Julian put his arms on my shoulder to give me confidence.

"You can do this, Megan. I know you can. Just don't let anything and one bother you about this." He was right, the moment I step through the gym door, I had to bring out my gun, and shoot the spotlight. I pulled my jean jacket up to my shoulders as it was slipping. I then took a deep breath, and walked away. The final phase of my plan. Here we go.

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