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Mini authors note: this takes place, when Rosemary is about 8 months pregnant, kay? Kay.

~Rosemary's pov~

Since I was nearing the end of my pregnancy, everything is becoming harder. Walking from the living room to the kitchen winds me. Niall has been taking care of me, plus going to work, then coming home to take care of me again. I try to tell him to stop, and relax a little, but he won't take it. "You need me." Is all he says every time I try to do things for myself, and it's getting really annoying.

"I can walk myself." I snapped to Niall, standing up. This is going much too far. Now he thinks I can't walk? I frowned, as I waddled into the bedroom. You were exhausted. You had actually gone to work today, and all that walking, and thinking, wore you out very quickly. My boss told me to work from home, and I eagerly agreed. Since my promotion, I've finished five projects, two big, and three smaller ones. I still feel like it's not enough. My old bedroom, was now I. The midst of being converted to a nursery for our little princess. Which is another thing Niall slaves over.

I groaned, rubbing my head, feeling a headache coming on. This day hasn't gone very well today, and I just want to sleep it off. I sat down on my bed, and looked down at my belly. It has now grown so I could barely see my knees when I'm sitting down. I've had to buy new everything, clothes, shoes, etc. I rubbed my head again, my headache getting worse. There was no way I would let Niall know, make him slave over me again. He needs to relax.

He didn't do this a month ago, or anytime earlier, so why now? He's changed. He's smiled less, and he always has bags under his eyes, and he's grown tired. I doubt he's gotten a full-nights sleep in a month. I feel like I should be helping him, not the other way around. I played with the ring on my finger, and a smile played on my lips. He had proposed about three months ago, and the week after was the best week of my life. The baby first kicked, and we both started on the nursery. Those times were gone now, replaced by these ones.

Neither of us are very happy, at least I'm not. And Niall doesn't seem happy, either. A tear slipped down my cheek, followed by another. I noticed something sticking out of a large pile of papers, and I pulled it out. It was the notebook that Niall gave me as a gift. I opened it, and flipped to a page in the middle.

It said, "Reason #245: you're strong. Through everything, I could always count on you to be there for me. You're the one thing in my life that doesn't ever throw curveballs at me, and I love that. When I have a stressful day at work, I can always come home to you and just relax. With all the hate that gets thrown at you, you still manage to see the good in everyone and everything. I love you Princess. -Ni Xx"

I wiped away the tears that soaked my face, and stood up. If anything was going to change between Niall and I, we would need to talk it out now, before it's too late. The house was quiet, and when I made it out to the living room, I found Niall asleep on the sofa. I smiled, and leaned down, kissing his forehead. Niall stirred, and his bloodshot eyes stared up at me, as he yawned. "What's wrong, love?" Niall asked me, but I just sat down next to him. "Are you happy, Niall?" I wondered, and he tilted his head to the side, confused. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" He rubbed his eyes, yawning again.

"You don't seem happy. You haven't gotten a good nights sleep in a month, and you seem tired. I'm worried, Ni." I confessed. He just stared at me, looking tired. "You, don't need to worry, Rosemary. I'm perfectly happy, and you're right, I'm exhausted. Maybe I should've listened to you when you told me to get some sleep." He chuckled, brushing the hair out of my face. "Maybe now is a good time to tell you." His voice was sad, and my heart skipped a beat. "W-what?" I stuttered, and Niall put his arms around me. "We're going on tour again." His voice cracked, but no tears came. He was trying to stay strong for me, and I was touched. "When?" My voice sounded so small, like I was a toddler again. "In three weeks." Niall let one tear slip down his cheek, as he looked at me.

"Th-that's before-" "I know, Princess. But I have to. Management already isn't happy with me, I have to do as they say for once." He said sadly, and I nodded in reply. All I could think to do was curl up to him, to make him relax. He sighed, but it came out rough and choppy. "I'm going to try my best to be there, Princess. Just know I would never miss it on purpose." He tried convincing me, but he made it sound like my college graduation, not the birth of our baby. I still smiled, and nodded like I understood, even though I don't.

"Is that the real reason why you've been so sad?" I asked, staring at the wall in front of us. "Yeah. I hope you don't think it had anything to do with you or the baby." I chose not to look at him, feeling embarrassed for some odd reason. it was silent for a while, both of us exhausted from the day's work. "What should we name our little princess?" I blurted, looking back at him. He grinned. "I don't know, you choose." I rolled my eyes, and pushed up off the sofa. "I'll be back in ten minutes, you better have a name or else." I warned, but we both knew I was teasing. I could hear his laughter as I walked back to my room.

I came in here to clean up a little bit, and to call my Mum. I've been doing that a lot lately, just so I could talk to her. She picked up on the third ring, just like she usually did, and asked, "Hey, Rosie-Posie. How's the baby treating you?" I smiled, and looked down at the bump. "Perfect, Mum. She's lovely." I replied, still smiling. "That's good. Have you found out why Niall had been acting so unhappy lately?" I blushed a little. "Yeah, it's work. Mum, he's going on tour again. I don't know how I don't find out about these things sooner.... I could've prepared for it." I ranted to her, needing someone to just let off some steam to.

"When does he leave? He'll be here for the delivery?" I shook my head, before realizing she couldn't see it, and said, "No. He leaves the week before." She sighed, and I knew she was disappointed in him, just like that. "He said he's going to try to come, and that he would be heart-broken if he missed it." I defended him, but Mum was still upset. "Do you have someone who could come, and help you get to the hospital? I'll be there, but you know that I can't carry you anymore..." She chuckled, and the conversation turned light-hearted and happy again. "I'll find someone Mum......... And I think I know just the person." I paused in the middle, before speaking again.

"Oh? Who?" I giggled, knowing my Mum was always the curious type. "Their names are Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael. Or specifically, Ashton and Luke. I met them on a business trip, and they're like my new BFFs." She wasn't satisfied, and I knew she would grill me about them. "Do you really know them that well? Can you really trust them?" I groaned, but I was smiling. "Stop being so protective, Mum. You'll be here, and you can meet them yourself. I promise they'll be perfect." She sighed again. "Ok. Be careful with my future granddaughter. Love you both! I've got to go now, love. Call you later!!" Before I could say anything else, she hung up.

With difficulty, I stood back up off the bed, and waddled back into the living room, only to find Niall on my laptop, doing exactly what I had asked him to do. "You're back." He stated the obvious, looking over a list of names on the screen. "Find anything?" I asked him, and he shrugged, which I know meant, Not really.. "Well, at least you were looking." I replied, sitting down next to him. "Do you have any names in mind?" Niall asked, turning away from the screen to look at me. I nodded. "Rylie, or Briana. Or maybe Scarlett?" I looked at him for a reaction, but he was looking at me funny. I blushed and looked down, embarrassed. "Sorry, those are stupid. I was just thinking..." "No, don't say that. They're beautiful. Almost as beautiful as Rosemary." I smiled, and gave him a kiss. "Thanks, Nialler."

"What's your favorite?" I asked him, and I think I know the answer. "Scarlett." We both said in unison, then laughed. "I love you." Niall said, and I nodded. "You too." I replied.



Chapter 6 is dedicated to 14tiaras because she is amazayn and I <3 her!!! She definitely deserves a follow. This chapter is dedicated to her!!!! Plus her icon is super cute!!!

In other news,

Started school again today.... Was hoping for a snow day, but that didn't happen. Hope everyone else had a nice day!!!


Sincerely, Yours....(Sequel to Dear future husband)Where stories live. Discover now