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~Rosemary's pov~

"What are you doing here?" Niall cried, kissing me multiple times. I giggled, and kissed his nose. He growled playfully, flipping me over so he was on top of me. "You know I hate when you do that.." He warned, and I giggled again. "I know, I know." He grinned, before, hugging you tightly. "I missed you so much!!" You smiled, nodding. "Scarlett's here too." You added, and he immediately slid off of you, and looked around. He beamed when he saw the car seat, and moved over to it. "She may be still asleep, Ni." You told him, as he took his daughter out and into his arms. He smiled, sitting down on the bed again.

"She's beautiful." He said, looking down at her. "She's got your eyes." I told him, just as she began to wake up. She opened her eyes, and looked up at Niall. "Dada!!" She cried, reaching up to him with her hands. "Yeah, Scar. It's me." He said, tears of joy filling his eyes. Scarlett smiled that adorable practically toothless grin I love, making me smile back at her. "Mummy!" She called pointing. I pointed at myself, gasping. "Me? I'm your Mummy?!" She giggled, nodding. "And your my little princess, aren't you?" I asked her, and she nodded again. "You're so smart." I told her, but she doesn't understand that yet. Niall chuckled, and tickled Scarlett's sides, making her screech and giggle loudly. "Don't worry, I'll save you!" I called, but before I could 'save' Scarlett, Niall smirked.

"Oh no, you don't. She's mine." He said, pushing me over with one hand, all the while holding Scarlett with the other. "That's not fair!" I whined, pouting. He laughed, kissing my pouty lips. "Life's not fair." He replied, taking both of my wrists in his free hand, and pining them above his head. "I win!" He teased, as you squirmed. He kissed Scarlett's little head, and let me go. I tried to reach for Scarlett again, and this time he let me take her. "You know, you're a great Mum." He told me, as I slowly rocked Scarlett. She was smiling, happy that she was back with her Daddy again. "Are you coming to the show?" Niall asked, as I fed Scarlett, changed her, then let her play on the bed with some of her toys.

I shook my head, and layed back on the bed. "I can't. I have to stay here with Scarlett. The concert would be too loud for her." He pouted, bumping my arm lightly from where he was sitting. "You'll be fine, Ni. Mum's coming on Sunday to pick Scarlett up and take her home, then I'm all yours for a month or two, depending on the amount of clothes I have." He smiled, and gave me a sweet, passionate kiss. "We can finally go on a proper date. It's been awhile." I rolled my eyes, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Ok, Nialler." I looked over at Scarlett, who was chewing on a teething ring. She has already started teething, since she has one little tooth, but she hasn't cried in a while. "Do your teeth hurt Scar?" I asked her, looking in her mouth. She had two more teeth coming in, but they were only just breaking through the gums. She smiled at me, and I made a silly face back.

Scarlett tried to copy me, but she really just stuck her tongue out. Niall laughed from behind me. I checked the time on my phone, before looking up at Niall. "You have to go soon. You should get the lads. Louis ran off a while ago." I told him, and he picked up Scarlett to give her a kiss and hug goodbye. I walked him to door, where we hugged. "I'll see you in a few hours, future Mrs. Horan." I chuckled, kissing his cheek as he walked out. "Mummy!!" Scarlett called, and I headed back over to the bed to play with her.

~Niall's pov~

Liam opened the door before I could knock, and Harry followed behind Liam. Zayn had been sleeping in his room, and Louis was still no where to be found. We searched the whole hotel for him, but no one could find him. "Are you sure he's still here?" I heard Harry ask Liam, and Liam shrugged in response. "We're going to be late. I guess we have to leave without him." The group sighed, and got into a black van going back to the venue.

We got ready for the show, just like normal, only Louis was missing. "I hope he shows up." Liam said to me, as we walked down the long hallway towards the stage. I nodded, too confused to say anything. I picked up my guitar from next to the lift that will take us into the stage, but then put it down again. "Rosie did say that he seemed really upset when she talked to him, and he stormed out of his own room, only to vanish. Maybe he went to a bar somewhere." I suggested, but Liam shook his head. "Mark said he checked all the bars near the hotel, and he wasn't in any of them." I looked down, feeling worried for my best mate.

Sincerely, Yours....(Sequel to Dear future husband)Where stories live. Discover now