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~Rosemary's pov~
-almost two weeks later-

I laughed as Niall and I burst through the door of our hotel room in North Carolina, and Niall spun me around. We had just come from a party, and we were both a bit tipsy from the champagne. Niall turned off the lights, except for the one in the bathroom, while I turned on a slow song. 'Give me Love' by Ed Sheeran started playing softly in the room. Niall smiled, and held out his hand. I took it, and he pulled me closer to him. He put his hands on my waist, and I looked up at him. "I'll miss you so much.." I told him, my voice cracked as I spoke. Niall kissed me, and I relaxed. "You're not leaving yet. You'll be here for a few more days." I looked down. There was no way I could tell him the truth, that I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I have duties as a mother to return to back home. Scarlett misses me, she has stopped talking to people, and she's crying a lot more.

Niall noticed my distressed face, and frowned. "It doesn't matter when you're leaving, I just want to enjoy this moment." The music sped up, and Niall spun me around multiple times, and we danced faster as the music got faster. The world seemed to stop, except for the two of us. I smiled, laughing, as Niall leaned me back, his hand holding me steady. He pecked my lips, and pulled me back. We weren't slow dancing anymore, it was something weird, like a mix between the tango and a waltz. "What are we even doing?" I asked, and he shrugged with a cheeky grin on his face. When the song ended, he picked me up bridal style, and looked down at me. I kissed his jaw, and a red lip stain appeared.

I covered my mouth to suppress the laugh, and Niall looked at me quizzically. "What's so funny?" He asked, as I kissed multiple times all over his face, and soon he was covered in lipstick. I bit my lip, laughing at his confused expression. There was a knock at the door, and I leaped... A little too enthusiastically, to get it. Michael was standing at the door, and I waved him in. "Hi, Mikey!" "Hey, I was wondering if you were busy." I looked over at Niall, who was shooting me a look that said, Make him go away! And I sent him a look that said, Don't be rude.. "Uh..... Kind of. Unless it's important." I told him, and he shook his head. "No, I was just....." He trailed off when he saw Niall's lipstick covered face. "What?" He asked, and Michael snickered.

"What did you do?" Niall demanded, and moved to the mirror. "Gotta go." I whispered to Michael and slipping out of the room. "Rosemary!" I laughed as I ran down the hallway, tripping every once in awhile in my heels. I could Niall chasing, but I know he's taking his time. He's faster than me, especially when I'm in heels, and he knows it. I turned a few corners, until I was stopped by a dead end. I sighed, seeing Niall jogging around the corner, a mischievous grin on his face. I looked around, for an escape from the teasing I knew would come with him catching me. My eye caught on a door to stairs. I blew Niall a kiss and opened the door to the stairs. "Nice try, love." Niall said, grabbing my arm before I could get anywhere. "Hey! I was having fun!" I protested, sticking my tongue out at him.

"You think you're so clever..." He teased, smirking. His face was still covered in red lipstick stains. "I am so clever..." I replied, starting to walk back to the room. He chuckled behind me. I cringed, rubbing my feet. "What's wrong, Princess?" Niall asked, putting an arm around my shoulder. I scowled at my shoes. "My feet hurt." I told him, and he chuckled, picking me up. "Why didn't you say so?" He started running, and I squealed, shutting my eyes. "You going to drop me, Ni!!" I shouted, butterflies exploding in my stomach. "No I'm not." He replied, and surprisingly, he didn't. Back at the hotel room, Michael was gone, but that didn't matter. "Put me down!" I squirmed, but his grip just tightened. He brought me over to the bed, and dropped me. I shrieked as I fell onto the bed, bouncing slightly from the impact.

Niall jumped on the bed, landing on top of me. I gasped, shocked, and shoved him off me and onto the floor. "Hey!" He said with furrowed eyebrows and a pout on his face. "Aww..... C'mere." I told him, opening up my arms. He stood and climbed in next to me, and I put my arms around him. "Do you have to go?" Niall asked suddenly, and I looked over at him, surprised. "What?" "Do you have to leave? Can't you stay a few more days... Or-" "I can't, Ni. Scarlett needs me. I've already been gone two weeks, she needs me home." Niall traced his fingers up and down my shoulder blade, not saying anything. "How much longer until you're home?" I asked, changing the subject. "Three weeks."

"Don't dwell on tomorrow... Live in the now, Nialler..." I told him, popping the collar on his dress shirt. I saw the ghost of a smile, as his hands slid up and down my sides. "I love you, you know that, don't you?" He asked, looking at me. His blue eyes seemed to see right through me, but at the same time were focused on me alone. I nodded, butterflies in my stomach again. "C-can I kiss you?" He asked. "Would it matter what my answer was?" I raised an eyebrow, and he chuckled. "Not really." He replied, his finger grazing my cheek. I giggled, feeling my cheeks heat up. "You look really cute when you're flustered." Niall told me, making me blush even more. Cupping my face in his hands, he brought my lips to his. I always loved the feeling he gave me when we kiss. It's almost like electricity.

I ran my hands through his hair, and he moaned my name. "You still have lipstick all over your face." I told him, pulling away from him. "Go get me something to clean it off with then, Future-Mrs. Horan." I rolled my eyes, but stood up and looked around for a rag or something similar to give to Niall. When I came back, Niall had stripped down to his boxers, and was waiting for me, a smirk on his face. "Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked, making him grin. "I don't really know." I handed him the rag I had found, with which he cleaned his face off. "Thanks, Princess!" He replied, and I took my favorite shirt of his, his Crazy Mofos shirt, and brought it with me back to the bed. "Will you please unzip my dress?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"Thanks, love." I lifted my hair over my head, and I felt his hands as they worked the zipper down my back. Standing up, I let the dress fall to the ground, before picking up Niall's shirt and slipping it on. You might wonder why I always wear Niall's shirts, instead of my own? Well, I really like his shirts.... And he likes when I wear his shirts. I jumped onto the bed, which shook Niall who looked half asleep. He groaned, and rolled onto his back to look at me. "Hi!" I greeted cheerfully, before laying down, using him as a pillow. "Hey, stop that!" He chuckled, pushing me off him. "Why?! I was comfy." I whined, throwing my arms on him dramatically. "Well I was not." Niall replied, facing me. I snickered, sitting up. "You always look so much better in my clothes than I do.... I'm jealous," Niall told me, putting his hand on the back of my neck, and pulling me towards him. I grinned, putting my arms around his neck, and kissed him.

"Your lips are red again." I told him, looking at the red lipstick now on his lips. "I don't care, at least I can kiss you."


Hi!!! I'm in Myrtle Beach on vacation, and the wifi doesn't work here.... So I can't update until I get to my aunt and uncles house in Charlotte, NC....

I just bought the LIVESOS album and it is soooooo amazing!!! Comment your fave song on the album and I'll give you a shoutout!!!!

Dedicated to alltxmeashton


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