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~Rosemary's pov~

Since Niall left, I've been too busy with work, and taken care of Scarlett, that it's hard to stay up enough when Niall calls me. The first few times I could, but I've been exhausted. Scarlett hasn't been sleeping lately, keeping me awake even longer.

It's not all bad though, Scarlett's always happy, unless she's tired or hungry, she always has the cutest smile, one that looks a lot like Niall's. I had just gotten home from work, and Kylee greeted from her spot on the sofa, she was playing with Scarlett, who is almost four months now. She is crawling around the house now, getting into things she's not supposed to, and wreaking havoc. Kylee came from Ireland to babysit Scarlett while I'm at work. I'm discussing the idea of making a video for 1D, so I could bring Scarlett with me. I feel she's old enough. I haven't had much answer about it though, but I'm going to try.

Scarlett giggled, and opened and closed her fingers, waving. I did it back and picked her up. "Hi Scar, did you miss me?" She gurgled, and gave me her kind of hug. I looked to Kylee, and she gave me a thumbs up. I smiled, and sat down with Scarlett on my lap. "Do you wanna talk to Daddy?" I asked her, and she squealed and clapped her hands. I can already see, she's a Daddy's girl. Just like me. But my Dad's gone. I opened my laptop, and started a skype with Niall.

His face popped up, and Scarlett smiled, showing her one tooth that begun to come in. She waved, and Niall did the same. "Hey, Scar!" He greeted, then turned to smile at me. I smiled back, blowing a kiss to him, which he 'caught'. "How's tour, Ni?" I asked, and he started telling me how amazing the fans are, and how much fun he's having. "I still miss you both. Only a few months longer." He added, taking on a sad expression. "Can't wait! Scar and I might come visit you soon, I'm still working it out with my boss. So I might see you, but he's pretty upset that I'll be missing work again." He grinned from ear to ear, and that made me extremely happy. "You are? That's great!! I'll see you soon then," he added, looking excited. I nodded, and the conversation turned to other things.

Time passed quickly, because Scarlett started whimpering. She was hungry, or tired. I started bouncing her lightly, cooing to her softly so she would calm down. She continued crying, and Niall looked at me through the camera with a sympathetic look on his face. "Niall! You're her parent too, help me out here!" You begged, as she started wailing. He shrugged, looking off camera for a moment. "I gotta go." I muttered, disconnecting.

~Niall's pov~

"Wait!" I cried, but the laptop screen was already dark. "Shit!" I muttered a long line of curses, shutting the laptop hard. "What's wrong?" Zayn was standing in the doorway, and I scowled, turning away from him. "I screwed up." I replied, running a hand through my hair. I focused on my phone next to my laptop, which was dark. I sighed again, before carrying my laptop over to the table in the corner of my hotel room, next to the only window. It was almost noon, and we would have to leave for the venue soon for rehearsals, but that was the last thing on my mind now. "What happened?" Zayn asked, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Scarlett was crying, I didn't know what to do... And Rosie asked me to help, I didn't know how, she thought I was ignoring her, and she disconnected. I'm an awful father," I rambled, pacing the floor. I sat down on the bed, only to stand up and start pacing again. It was like rhythm. Sit, stand, pace. Sit. Stand. Pace. Sit stand pace. "You need to calm down." Zayn said, stepping into the room. "I'm just worried, that's all."

~Rosemary's pov~

I woke up to Scarlett crying. Again. I pulled myself from my warm bed and into the nursery. Scarlett was standing up in her crib, screaming. I frowned, picking her up. "Shh... Come on, Scar. Mummy has to work later, I gotta get some sleep." I whined, but she wouldn't stop crying. "Do you wanna sleep with me tonight? Is that why you're crying?" As an answer, Scarlett clung to my shirt, and I walked back to my bedroom, lying down in bed. Ten minutes later, Scarlett's breathing evened out, and she fell asleep. Once Scarlett was asleep, I drifted off to a well-deserved sleep.

"Wake up," I groaned, peeling my eyes open. Kylee was standing over me, a concerned look on her face. "You're usually awake by now. You're going to be late for work." She said, and I handed the still sleeping Scarlett to her. "Thanks, Ky." I said, before getting dressed and heading to work. I arrived ten minutes late, but no one seemed to notice. In my office, I opened the blinds and powered on the computer. I had a lot of work to do, if I wanted to make it home to spend time with Scarlett. I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I just wanted to close my eyes, and fall asleep. I forced myself to work on the projects though, because I was behind.

At the end of the day, I was no closer to finishing the projects than I had started that morning. I had fallen asleep shortly after I started, and woke up at three. I saved the very little I had gotten done, and left for home. Scarlett should be waiting for me, but I need another nap. I feel more tired now, which was odd. My phone rang, and the caller ID said, Nialler<3. I didn't want to answer it, but I knew I had no choice. I would have to face him eventually, so why not now? "Hey." Niall said, but I didn't reply. "I'm sorry about last night. " He added, even though I was silent. "Are you there?" He finally asked. "Yeah." I replied, and Niall sighed.

"I wasn't ignoring you, I'm new to this parenting thing. It's going to take some getting used to. I should've helped with Scarlett, but I didn't know how. I'm sorry." I smiled, happy he was apologizing. "I forgive you, Ni. I can't stay mad at you anyway." I teased, grinning slightly. "Are you home yet?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm home." I replied, taking Scarlett from Kylee. "Is Scar with you?" I giggled, when Scar clapped her hands grinning. "Yeah, and I think she recognizes your voice." Niall laughed, and I could tell he was smiling on the other end. "Really?!" Scarlett laughed, reaching for the phone with her hands.

"Hey, Scar!" Niall said, and Scarlett cooed, touching the screen. "anything interesting happening over there that I missed?" Niall asked, and I smirked. "Scar beginning to stand up, she might be walking soon, but that's about it." I set Scarlett on the sofa, and gave her a few toys to play with. "I gotta go, Ni. I have to make dinner." He chuckled, and there was a rustling through the phone, like he was looking for something. "I miss you, and I love you both very much. Have you figured out if you can come yet?" He sounded hopeful, and I grinned at his cuteness. "He told me to let him think about it. I'm sorry, Nialler. I don't think he's going to let me go."

He groaned, and there was the sound someone shouting. "I have to go Princess, I have a show. Love you!" And he was gone. I sighed, setting my phone on the coffee table, before turning to Scarlett. She was getting her teeth, and needed teething toys. She was getting so big..... Scarlett looked at me, and I noticed that her eyes weren't like mine anymore, they were more like Niall's. She definitely had his appetite, she was always hungry. Her hair was brown with natural blonde highlights, like mine. It was kinda hard to tell, but if you look close enough, you can see it. I made a silly face at her, and she laughed, copying me. I picked her up, tickling her. She shrieked, and her cute, toothless, smile was aimed at me. "I love you Scar." I told her, she grabbed my finger with her hand.


Chapter 11 is dedicated to Danananer987 cuz she is my bestie and is amazing!! Please follow her!!! Love you Dana!!!! :)

I don't have any other news.....


Sincerely, Yours....(Sequel to Dear future husband)Where stories live. Discover now