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~Niall's pov~

I smiled at Rosemary's sleeping figure in my arms. I slowly picked her up, and started walking towards our bedroom. She was so beautiful, sometimes my heart stopped from just looking at her. She makes me feel something different than everyone else I've ever met, and I'd think that's a good thing. I lay Rosie down on the bed, and pulled the blanket over her. She smiled in her sleep, and I blushed. Her smile brights up every room. I left the bedroom, going back into the living room to finish watching the football game. I went into the kitchen to get some snacks, before finally settling onto the sofa to watch the ten more minutes of the game that's left.

It was hard to pay attention when every few minutes or so, my mind would wander back to the wedding. I still haven't written my vows, and that stresses me out. I've tried, but the words just don't come. I have no way of knowing how to write down what I want to say, unlike Rosie, who I see scribbling on a piece of paper every morning before she leaves for work. I've tried to sneak a peek at the paper, but she always catches me before I see what she's writing down, "Weddings in three weeks, Horan. You can wait." She'd always say. This wedding is keeping me awake at night, I'm so nervous. The planning is back on track, thanks to Rosie's mum, but I'm still nowhere near ready. I'm so nervous I feel like crying every time someone brings it up, which is often, considering I work with my four best mates.

As the days go by, and the wedding is getting closer, I get even more nervous. Zayn tells me that everything will be fine, that I'm nervous for nothing, but it's not nothing. I, afraid that Rosemary will throw off the wedding, or not show up, or not say 'I do', or..... You probably don't want to hear me rant about my thoughts, do you Reader? Well, I'll stop talking about me getting cold feet over it.


Today's the day before the wedding, aka the Bachelor and bachelorette parties. I was going out with the lads and a few friends, while Rosemary was having a girls night with the girls and some of her friends. She told me she's not getting drunk the night before our wedding, because she doesn't want to have a hangover. I was getting ready to leave when the lads arrived. "Hey, mates!" I called, and Rosemary came out dressed in a little black dress, and I thought I heard Harry snicker. I, on the other hand, was literally standing frozen where I was standing, a goofy smile on my face. "Have fun, Nialler." She told me, giving me a hug, thus giving me access to my own limbs again. I hugged her tightly, knowing I wouldn't see her tonight. "See you tomorrow." I replied, pulling away. We both stared at each other awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. She started to pull away, but I caught her arm. "Where's my goodbye kiss?" I asked with a smirk.

The lads snickered behind me, and Rosemary blushed fiercely. I pulled her into me, so our faces were an inch apart, and smiled at her. She smiled shyly back, putting her arms around my waist. "I'll miss you." She whispered, going up onto her toes to reach my lips. She had meant to make it a quick kiss, but I kissed her back, pulling it out. "Come on, love birds, break it up. Niall, we're going to be late!" Louis called, and I was yanked away from Rosemary, who waved as I was dragged away. "Love you!" I called to her, and she blew me a kiss in reply. I felt a blush heat up my cheeks, and I hoped she didn't notice. Who cares if she had? A voice in my head asks.

~Rosemary's pov~

I giggled, watching Niall get pulled away by Liam, before he was thrown into the car. As he was driving by our window, he leaned out of the car and screamed, "I'M GETTING MARRIED TO A PRINCESS!!" All the people who were in hearing range, turned and stared at the car, with Niall in it. I could hear his laugh until they turned the corner and were out of sight. I skipped into the kitchen to make some drinks for the girls and one for myself. Eleanor arrived ten minutes later, when I had everything set up. "Hey, bride-to-be!!" She shouted, giving me a hug. I invited Eleanor, Kylee, and a few of my other close internet friends that I've already met. They all commented on my dress, before we settled down for some pizza.

"What do we want to do first?" Kylee asked. Her hair dyed a lilac color, and I smiled to myself. She would be perfect for Michael, if she didn't already have a boyfriend.... I thought, as I took a bite of my pizza slice. "How about Truth or Dare?" Eleanor suggested, and all the girls agreed. "Why not?" I giggled, and we moved so we were sitting in a circle. Eleanor said she would go first. "Rosie, truth or dare?" "Truth," I replied, making all the girls groan. "Really? it's your last day of being single, and you choose truth? Live a little!" My friend Isabella teased, snickering. i nodded. "I know you all too well to know that these dares will be awful, no offense." The girls laughed, before Abigail spoke up. "Fine," she seemed to think hard on what to ask me. "If you could pick one person that you would kiss, right now... Other than Niall, who would you choose and why?"

This was a tough question, even though I already knew the answer. "Luke Hemmings," I had to stop because Isabelle and Abigail squealed. They were major fangirls, and it was one of the reasons why I love them so much. "I would kiss him because... I've always wondered what it felt like to kiss someone with a lip ring. Is that weird?" We all laughed together, as I took a sip of my drink. It was a margarita. The game continued on in this fashion, until we all got tired of it. The next thing we did was cuddle up together on the couch and watch movies until midnight. Yeah, we were lame... But I am getting married in the morning, so I need my beauty sleep. While I was laying in bed, I wondered what Niall was up to.

~Niall's pov~

I watched as each of the lads took a shot, before one was placed in my hand. I smiled, and drank it. The alcohol bringing as it went down. "For Niall, who will no longer be considered the youngest out of the band!!" Harry called, before downing another shot. I joined him, but my mind was still sober, despite all the shots I've had. As my mates partied, I sat down at the bar, and thought about what was to come tomorrow. I sighed, the nerves resurfacing. "Hey." I looked up, and Luke was standing there. He looked at me, as if to say, May I? , and I patted the seat next to me in reply. He sat down, looking sober. "What's up?" I asked casually, asking the bartender for a water. The young lad nodded and headed off to fetch it for me.

"There's something on your mind. I can see it. You nervous?" He asked, and I could lie, but what's the point in that? So I just nodded, and took the water from the bartender. "She loves you. The last time she called me, while we were on tour, she couldn't stop talking about how she was flying out to surprise you. She said she couldn't wait to see you. I know she's just as nervous as you right now. But you'll be fine. Just think, after the ceremony... You can make the marriage official..." I couldn't help but smile at that. "Thanks, mate." I told him, and he patted my back. "No problem, Niall. Now let's party!" I smiled and followed him back to the party, my party.

Once we finally made it back to the hotel(it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding), everyone was drunk except me. I had a blast, I just didn't drink too much. I listened to Rosie's advice, you don't want to be hungover on your wedding day. There were people everywhere, in the beds, in chairs, on the floor... And they were all asleep. I on the other hand, felt cold again. I couldn't seem to get warm, and I knew it was because Rosemary wasn't here next to me. I knew this time I would have to fall asleep without her, but tomorrow... We'll be together again... In Austrailia. That's where we decided to have our honeymoon. I shivered, curling in the blankets even more. Surprisingly, no one collapsed onto this bed, so I had it to myself.

I almost wish someone had fallen asleep on this bed, because I feel alone without Rosemary here. Emphasis on almost.


I haven't updated very quickly because I've been busy preparing for my next story....... Ooooooohhhh!!! Anybody excited?? Probably not.... But whatever!! If some of you are actually excited, vote for this chapter, and if this chapter gets 5+ votes... I'll give you a hint about my story.... But only a hint....

Dedicated to giiiirlalmighty for having a super cool username!!

P.s.: sorry if I've already dedicated one to you, but I'm trying to do all my followers!!! I can't remember all the people I've dedicated.....



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