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~Rosemary's pov~

I yawned, and stretched. The room was cold, and I realized that Niall wasn't next to me. Did he leave? I thought, panicked. I pulled myself out of bed, and into the nursery. Neither Scarlett, nor Niall were in there. I took a sharp I take of breath, and checked in the living room. I stopped in the hallway, when I saw Niall, asleep on the sofa, with Scarlett sleeping on his chest. I smiled, leaning against the wall. I didn't want to wake them, so I stayed quiet. I could've see the way Niall's chest rose and fall, and how Scarlett was laying on his chest. It was quite cute.

I padded slowly into the room, making my way in front of the sofa. I slowly lifted the sleeping Scarlett off of Niall's bare chest, and he stirred. "Morning, love." I told him cheerfully, as I rocked the now awake Scarlett. She looked up at me, and I smiled down at her, making her laugh. I kissed her softly, and started towards the nursery. "Where you going?" Niall's accent rang out because of his raspy morning voice. "You know perfectly well what I'm doing." I replied, and he smirked. In the nursery, I changed Scarlett's diaper, nursed her, and put a cute onesie on her.

I tickled her tummy, and she started laughing and shrieking. I was laughing too, as I lightly tickled her. Niall scooped Scarlett off of her crib, and grinned cheekily at me, before giving Scarlett a billion kisses. She giggled, and took Niall's finger, holding it tight. I took a photo of the action, and posted it to Twitter. It was the first picture of Scarlett that has been put up, and I know many would follow.

Niall spent the day with us, but when I came home from the grocery store, he looked like he was getting ready to leave. "Niall?" I asked, the confusion clearly showing on my face. "Yeah, Princess?" He asked, pulling his luggage into the living room. "You have to go?" I asked him, taking Scarlett from his arms. He nodded, and he looked sad now. "Have fun, love." I said, kissing his cheek. He smiled, turning his head to catch my lips. I giggled, and Scarlett fisted Niall's shirt in her little hand. "I don't think Scar wants you to leave." I teased, but his face fell.

"I know, I don't want to leave either, love." I wasn't sure whether he was talking to me or the baby. "You'll have fun, I promise." I assured him. "Scar and I will be there waiting when you get home." He nodded, and we kissed again. "Promise me you'll be here?" He whispered, and I nodded. "I'll always be here, Nialler." He smiled, and picked up his luggage again. I waved to him, then too Scarlett's hand, and waved hers. He waved back, before the door shut. I sighed, yawning. Being a Mum is harder than it looks.

I was sitting on the sofa, playing with Scarlett, when someone knocked on the door. Actually, knock is an understatement. It was more like pounded. I opened the door, to find a tear-stained Eleanor standing there. I was startled, to say the least. One, Eleanor and I barely knew each other, in person. And two, she was crying. I pulled her into a hug, more instinct than anything. I let her inside, before picking up Scarlett again. I had made her a little bed on the sofa she could lay on, but I had to move it so Eleanor could sit. "What's wrong?" I asked, steadying Scarlett so I was holding her the right way. Her makeup was running down her face, and when she wiped her eyes, it just smeared even more.

"Louis and I were fighting." I was again surprised because of how calm her voice was. Her voice didn't crack once as she spoke. Scarlett started whimpering, and I knew she was probably getting tired. "Follow me." I said gently, and Eleanor listened. I put Scarlett in her crib, before turning back to Eleanor. I put my arms around her, and said, "Let me show you something." In my room, I pulled out the journal that Liam had stolen from Niall and given to me. The one I got for Christmas, and Niall still has t realized I had it. The one the tells me everything he's been feeling. I handed it to Eleanor, and told her the page to flip to. It was an entry Niall had written, talking about Louis and Eleanor. I especially liked this page because he adds his own thoughts and makes it better.

Sincerely, Yours....(Sequel to Dear future husband)Where stories live. Discover now