♡I do.....I don't

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Yn Pov
Me and the girls found our clothes time to go get ready for this "wedding". I gotta tell August something important too, ugh but idk how to tell him, Ill figure a way. I just wish my babies was here. 
We was getting dressed because we gotta meet August at the chapel in a hour.Lord let this go right.

Yn: I can't believe I'm bouta get married in a hour.

Quilla: Ikr, I'm just as surprised as you.

Ari: Y'all belong together though.

Yn: Well yea iguess but im not even wearing a wedding dress.

Quilla: I feel you.You always dreamt of your wedding.

Yn:Ik, but let's go before we be late.

Quilla/Ari: Iight

Hmm just hope this go right

August Pov
Im bouta be a married man in a couple of mins.We just waiting for the girls to get here so Yn could be Mrs.Alsina.

Chris:You ready bro?

August:Yea nigga

Trey:You gone get tied down now

August:Never that.

Then the girls walked in but yn look like she was in a deep thought, but i aint had time to ask her the preacher man was ready.

Preacher:Umm lets begin.We are gathered here tonight to bring Yn and August together in holy matramony.To become man and wife.

August:*mouths*I love you


Preacher:Do we have any objections?
Nobody said anything

Preacher:Well August do you take Yn to be your loyal wedded wife?

August:I do

Preacher: Yn do you take August to be your loyal wedded husband?

Yn:I dont.


August:What? Why?

Yn:I love you august but i cant get married like this.I wanted a dress a big ass wedding and my family, and i have none of that.

Aug:But you wanted to elope too.

Yn:I wasnt thinkin.And im pregnant again.

Chris:damn my nigga

August:Bruh.But you pregnant?

Yn:Yea but i aint keepin the baby.

August:Yo stupid ass aint killin my baby yn!

Yn:Nobody said nun bout killin it, Im give him or her up for adoption.

August:Nahh we keepin it.And thats the end of it.

Yn:No its not we not keeping it and thats final.*run out the chapel*


Quilla:*run after yn*

Ari:Hold up Quilla im comin.

August:Fuck man i cant believe this shit.

Chris:I know

Trey:Me either

August:Yea but all i know is that her ass aint giving up my baby.


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