Chapter 49 - Lily

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"What's up, sis?" A voice said from behind, i nearly jumped of pure surprice. i turned around to see an amused James laughing

"You dork" I replied

"Hey! That's no way to greet your favorite brother" he said

"Maybe that's because you ain't her favorite brother" Albus said, none of us had noticed him coming "right Lily?"

"Yup" i said popping the P "cause you're both dorks"

"Hey! I'm not a dork" said both of them at the same time, which made me laugh

"Oh, but you are" someone said, i looked at the person, Scorpius Malfoy

"Shut it Malfoy" said James, they had mever gotten along, cause our parents had never been the best of friends and both of them had pride issues

"Really you two? I thought you had finally left that behind" said Albus

"Wait a minute, how long have all of you been here?"

"Since the ministry was infiltrated" Albus said "and these two was arguing like all the time until a week ago"

"That's because dad told me to try get along with HIM" Both James and Scorpius said

"Yes and now we order you to stop arguing" both father and Draco Malfoy said

"He started!" They said and pointed to the other. I laughed. "it's not funny!"

"Yes, yes it is" i said beetween my laughing

"I don't care who started, both of you has to shut up and sit down" Malfoy said, making both of them do it "and now if everyone else will take a seat we can start"

Everyone did as they were told to do, and dad declared the meeting open

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