Chapter 56 - Lily

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I never imagined handling a sword could be as hard as it showed to be. the demigods made it seem so easy, but all us wizards had trouble with it.

Campfire had also shown to be different from what i had thought, but luckily this was in a good way. I had thought it would be extremely boring and something no one was really enthusiastic for, but i was proven wrong the demigods liked it and i too rather enjoyed it.

The demigods had a great relationship with each other, sure they all had some they liked better and some they couldn't stand, but it wasn't like in the wizarding world where you were catagorised by your blood, sure they were catagorised a bit but none was resentful towards the ones who didn't have the same abilities or a powerful mother or father as themself. it wasn't like i was used to in any way where some always thought they were better because they were pureblood

Expecially the romans were great fightning together, they worked like a machine. whereas, the greeks... not so much, they just seemed to go solo of course helping each other but they had no structure whatsoever kind of like wizards. maybe the greeks weren't as structured as the romans but they definetly did just as great.

The hunters too were great, just as the amazons. i liked that they were independent on men, and they were strong women with a mind of their own. i wonder what my brothers would say if i joined one of them, their reaction would most likely be hilarious. maybe i should talk Thalia or Hylla into playing the joke on my brothers, they'd love it, i should really consider doing that. I could even get the other girls to join me, maybe that would lure Scorpius to finally ask Rose out.

Everyone could see Scorpius liked Rose and she liked him too, only with the exception of them. the Aphrodite kids was only waiting on one of them to make the move, so they could dress them up and send them on a date where they could spy on them. had it not been for Chiron telling the Aphrodite kids to let them be, i was sure they would have already been send on a date by the Aphrodite kids if Chiron had not said we couldn't intertwine.

After my brilliant idea i went straight to Jess, Rose and Mira and told them about it, all of them thought it would be fun too. so we went to Thalia, as we had decided that it would be the most fun decision (and as bonus the chance of a certain Scorpius showing jelousi would be even bigger, i didn't say that aloud though)

Thalia were immedetly in on it, so she got the rest of the hunters in on it too. we decided to play it over a few days. today we would start, Thalia was going to ask us if we wanted to join them. We had even asked Hylla and her amazons to help, they had to try and convince us not to do it, because we would have to remain virgins for our whole life, they were also going to get into a fight with the hunters over it

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