My So-Called Stalker (Alice's POV)

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I got up for school. I didn't want to but Martha woke me up. I didn't eat because I wasn't hungry. Even if I was, I knew that Lexi would leave me behind because I wasn't ready. I went to the bus stop and some guy was staring at me. I just ignored him and got on the bus. I sat alone because I didn't want to make anyone feel weird that the new girl was sitting with them. When we got to school I went to the office to check in so they knew I was there and so I could get my classes. The lady at the front desk was nice and asked if I needed someone to show me where my classes were. I told her that I didn't need help and I could find my way around. I honestly didn't want to bother someone because I couldn't find my way around the school. I walked to my first class. I was one of the last people walking in. There was one desk open and it was in the back of the room. The teacher started roll call and when she got to my name that same kid that was staring at me at the bus stop was staring at me again. I also learned that his name was Kyler Grimes. This kid was going to creep me out every once in a while. I'll look up and he's looking at me. He tries to play it off but it doesn't work. Finally, the bell rang and I could get out of here but as soon as I got out of the class that Kyler kid was following me trying to talk to me. I just ignored him and walked away. I think he might have given up after a couple of minutes. I turned around a couple minutes later and he wasn't there. I went to all of my classes and I sat alone at lunch, but when I got on the bus later and that Kyler kid wanted to sit with me I couldn't say no there weren't any seats up so I let him sit with me. He tried to talk to me but I just ignored him. I wasn't going to talk to him. I thought he was weird and a little creepy. He kept trying and trying but I just ignored him. Finally, it was our stop and I could get away from him. I walked as fast as I could to get away from him when I got home my foster parents asked how my first day of school was. I told them that it was okay and that I had a kid try to follow me home from school. They ask Lexi who might be the person following me and she said

"It was just that Kyler wasn't following her. He was just trying to talk to her and she kept ignoring him. Plus, he wasn't even following her. All he did when he got off the bus is walk to his house which is on the other side of the road. "

"That doesn't make sense because he has been following me all day. He has been everywhere I have and he won't leave me alone."

"Did you even turn around after you got off. He didn't even look your way. The reason he has been everywhere that you have been is because you guys probably have the same classes. So no he wasn't following you."

" I think you should apologize to this boy and try to talk to him." Martha said. "I've known Kyler since he was a baby there is no way he would be following you just to follow you."

"Okay, I guess I will."

I really wish I didn't tell them what was going on now. They must think in a lair because Lexi told them that he didn't even follow me. How am I going to apologize for something like this? Calling someone a stalker even when he doesn't even know? Tomorrow is going to be so hard. What am I going to do?


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