I Said It (Kyler's POV)

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"I love you Alice."

I couldn't stop myself. I said it and the face I got next worried me. I thought that when I said it she was going to say something like Kyler please I can't but she didn't she just sat there. I was scared that she might just be trying to figure out how to yell at me but she didn't she just sat there. She smiled at me. Why did she smile at me? Does she feel the same?



"Why did you smile?"

"I smiled?"

"Yes. You also blushed when I said it."


"Do you feel the same?"


"Do you?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know. I mean I care about you, but I don't know if I'm going to be here long. I have a pattern. I got to a new place. I have issues with someone in the house then I get sent away."

"You don't know if you're going to be sent away this time. Each time is different. You might not get sent away this time. you might stay with Lexi's family till you are ready to move out and get a place of your own."



"I do love you, but I know that I will be sent away."


I got up and walked away. I couldn't stand that she has this bad view on this whole situation. She says she loves me but yet she doesn't want to face it because she might get sent way. Martha wouldn't send her away for any reason. Martha loves kids. She's not going to send them.

"Wait." Alice said as I walked away.

"What Alice? What do you want? I tell you that I love you and you give me this face as if you feel the same but yet you don't want to admit it."

"Kyler I said I love you."

"There's a difference between 'I love you' and 'I love you, but'. There's a difference between the love I feel for you and the love you feel for me. You say you love me but do you mean it. I loved you the first day I met you and at that time it might have been a childhood crush, but I bloomed into something more as I aged. When you left it hurt me more than anything to not tell you that I loved you but I didn't want to lose you completely. I was afraid of what might happen if I told you. I couldn't hurt you anymore than this world has already."

After that I walked away because that was a lot. I'm pretty sure that probably just hurt her more than anything. I wish that I didn't say it, but it's true how can she say that she loves me but she didn't mean it there is no way that she loves me the way I love her.


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