My Emotions (Alice's POV)

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Kyler was being really nice to me. Even though I was straight up rude to him yesterday. I feel bad for treating him like that when I didn't even know him. Martha was right, he is one of the sweetest kids in our neighborhood. Most of the other guys in the neighborhood are punks and are really rude. Kyler asked if I wanted to sit next to him in math. How could I turn him down now? He was the sweetest person in the school. I need to get my emotions under control. I'm turning into one of those over emotional teenagers. I can't be one of them. I hate girls that act like that.



"Can you help me with the problem we are having?"

"Yea. What do you need help with?"

"Can you show me the steps to get to the answer."


He was so helpful. I seriously didn't understand how to get the answer. He understood math better than I did and I knew that so I asked if he could help me. Aftermath we walked to all of our classes together and sat with each other at lunch. He was honestly a nice kid. I wish I got to know him before I judged him because he really is a sweet guy. When I got home that night Martha asked me if I apologized to Kyler I told her that I did and that she was right that he was a really sweet kid.


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