The Week Before Christmas (Alice and Kyler's POV)

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Alice's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since the day Paige kissed Kyler in front of me. It was also a week before Christmas so I was so excited. I loved Christmas. Even after I lost my parents. I couldn't wait to see what I got and to see what others thought of what I got them. I loved Christmas and I wouldn't be me if I let my parent's death get in the way of Christmas. Even though I wasn't normally in the home very long around Christmas time. My case worker always got me a gift so I didn't feel alone on the one day I always did feel alone. No one should feel that way ever but especially on Christmas. But this year I wasn't going to be alone. I had my family and Kyler there. Kyler normally spent Christmas with Matthews. His mom was always out of town the week of Christmas. She didn't get home till two day after Christmas. He was used to it by now. So was the whole Matthews household. Every year they bought him presents because no matter how much Marie said that this year she would be home everyone including Kyler knew she wasn't. If I'm being honest I didn't really like Kyler's mom. Kyler would complain about her all the time so I really knew that something was going on in that house. I just didn't know what exactly. I never met her and I probably won't. Not that I want to. I can live my life to its full extent without meeting her and getting to know who she is and what she does. I am happy that she leaves because that means Kyler's over and he can snuggle me to sleep. It has become a thing if he's here. I sleep in the guest room with him. Recently it's been hard since a day with Paige but I still do it because it helps me sleep. I don't know why it does but it does.

Kyler's POV

It's almost Christmas. My mom leaves in a couple of days for who knows where and she won't be back till two days after Christmas. I don't really know why she leaves so much. It's not for her job no one would make a mother leave her child on Christmas unless they had to but she was gone every year around this time. There is no way that it's for a job. Part of me wonders if she has a second family that's more important than me. I don't ask because I don't want her to feel bad for leaving me alone all the time. If I'm really honest I don't want to know because r, then that would mean that she leaves me for personal reasons not for her job. If I'm honest I can't stand my mother whether or not the things in my mind are true. Who would want to leave their kids home alone on holidays. She honestly can't wait to leave each year. She especially loves leaving around this time of the year. She knows that if she leaves she doesn't have to get me a gift because she isn't here. If she does have a second family, I hope she treats them better then she does me. Honestly I'm happy that this year I can spend Christmas with my girlfriend. I get to see her each morning and cuddle with her each night. I'm happy my girlfriend forgave me, but you can see it in her eyes that she hasn't fully forgotten it. I knew she loved me and honestly that's all that matters. She can never forget and I would be okay with it as long as she didn't hold it against me. It wasn't my fault. Paige kissed me.

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