My Alice?? (Kyler's POV)

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She had her rough patch but after getting past that she was really nice. I honestly think that she has had a tough life. She reminds me of my friend that moved away when her parents passed. It's funny. they both have the same first name. I never knew her last name. we never had classes together so I never heard it. She kind of looks like her too if I'm being honest. I wonder what happened to my Alice. Alice Foster was definitely not my Alice. They are completely different other than her first name. I've always had feelings for my Alice. I miss her. I wish she would come back and see me but she probably can't and probably won't. She's probably ready forgotten me and every else she uses to know. She's probably happy with her new friends and probably a good boyfriend. She was once my everything. Once I was able to comprehend something that was not Alice I had to go eat. My mother had called me down to eat a couple of minutes before, but I wasn't ready to go down yet. We ate lasagna. It was amazingly delicious. When I finished I went back to my room and decided that I needed to express what's going on to Alice. I needed to clear this up or I wasn't going to be able to do anything unless I got it straight in my head that there was no way my Alice and Alice Foster were anything alike. I also need to get it straight that there was no way on Planet Earth that they were the same people my Alice would have come back and knew who she was or at least looked for me. So when I get on the bus I'm going to ask her about her past and why she was living with Lexi and if she didn't tell me I was going to do research. I couldn't let this be a thought in my mind for any longer than it needed to be. I need to know what happened to my Alice and why this girl looks like her.

"Hey." I said. "Can we talk?"

"Yea. What's up?" she asked.

"So this might sound weird and you might call me a creep again, but..."

"What did you do..."

"Will you let me finish!"

"Oh, yea. Sorry..."

"It's fine, but anyway I was thinking about you and it brought up a memory from a couple of years ago and I was with my best friend Alice... She was my everything if I'm being honest. Anyway, so it made me realize that you kind of look like her so I kind of need you to tell me that you're not the girl from my past that moved."

"I don't know how to answer that."

"We'll have you lived here before?"

"Yea, but I think I would remember you if I knew you before the move wouldn't I?"

"Well here's what might clear it all up. When you did move away what was it for?

"Um....Well... I'm sorry I can't talk about it..."

"Please.... I won't judge you in any way shape or form. I'm here for you."

"I moved away because I was placed into foster care...because.... I... I lost my parents in an accident almost two years ago..."

"You are my Alice...."


" The last day I saw you. You told me you couldn't stay because child services were trying to find a family to take care of you like your parents did. I never saw you again. I missed you. I... I... I loved you..."

"You.... you love me..."


"You didn't tell me..."

"I was afraid to do that because I didn't want to be turned down or lose you because of my feelings..."

By the time we finished that conversation we were in class and the bell was about to ring to start class.


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