I saw it Coming (Martha's POV)

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Lexi and I went shopping for Christmas and Thanksgiving since Thanksgiving was like three days away and Christmas was like a little over a month away. We only bought stuff for David, Alice, and Kyler. We shopped for Kyler because his mom is normally out of town on Christmas and thanksgiving so he is normally at our place on those holidays. I honestly wish Marie would sign over her rights to Kyler because she really isn't there when he needs her. Whenever he's in trouble he turns to me not her. Marie probably doesn't even know about half of the stuff he looks to me for help with. I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't really talk to her at all about the stuff going on in his like. After we were done shopping we headed back home Lexi started putting stuff away and hid the presents that we bought in her room. She was going to wrap them later. When I walked into the kitchen I realized that Alice wasn't downstairs so I walked up the stairs to go check on her. When I walked in I saw that she was laying on Kyler's lap and he was looking at her. I don't think they realized I came in because they didn't move. They only moved when I made a noise.

"Okay I think we need to talk to kids."

"I'm so sorry we were just talking I promise." Kyler said

"It's fine. I honestly saw this coming. I know that you guys like each other. It was noticeable when you guys walked in last night. Yes, I did notice you guys were a little late but understand that things happen. So what's going on."

"Well, it turns out that me and Kyler knew each other before this year. We used to be best friends before my parent's accident. We talked about things and it turns out that Kyler had a crush on me and he told me. I didn't know what to do about it so I just left it alone because I didn't know how to feel but yesterday things happened and he was there for me when I really needed him. "

"What happened yesterday?" I interrupted.

"This Paige girl called her a 'Loser Orphan Girl' and it really affected Alice so that's why I texted you after school to ask you if me and Alice could hang out."

"I'm so sorry that happened. Do you want me to talk to the bus driver or the school about it."

"No, it's fine. I know I'm not some loser orphan girl. I might have lost my parents but that doesn't make me an orphan. I have a family, it's you guys."

I never thought I would ever hear her say that I felt honored to be considered family to her. I know that it's hard to cope with the things she has. She's had it tough before she came here.

"Okay. Finish your story." I said.

"Well I realized that even though it might be a little difficult to get around things like the fact that he will be here every other weekend, I can't keep putting my feelings beside. So what I'm really trying to say here is. Would you be mad if Kyler and I started dating?"

"If I'm being honest. Yes, it would be weird since you are both like my kids if you started dating but you guys have a valid point you guys knew each other before this all came into play. No I wouldn't be mad if being with Kyler makes you happy Alice so it because I don't want to make this whole situation you have to go through anymore harder than it already is. Yes, if you guys start dating there will be rules that you will have to follow since he pretty much lives here every other week. But in all honesty when I saw you two walk through the door yesterday I saw love in your eyes and I'm not going to be the reason that it fades or worse gets ruined."

"Thanks." Alice said as she came over to hug me.

It was weird. I never thought that she would actually hug me since the beginning of this placement she has been very distant. I'm happy that she is starting to come around to the family.


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