pt 27 the roof

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{an very short chapter but next one will be long. also i j realized how off time lines r so my bad. the next ch takes place in halloween so j pretend halloween is in the summer also more smut to come cuz i see y'all skipping to those chapters

Next morning we woke up fairly early since we had check out by eleven.
"Wait where's Jack?" Christian asked.
"Last I checked he's still in the room."

I went into his, Christians, and Joshes room to get him. I walked in and saw the bathroom light in sight the door open. I walked in, "Are you stealing the soaps?" I laughed.
"It's not stealing, they're free."
I rolled my eyes, "Okayyy. bring your bags out when you're done."

"He was just stealing the soaps." I said walking out.
"It's not stealing!" Jack yelled from the room.

We reached home by night time and were all tired from the driving. I grabbed my duffel bag lugging it into the room.

I wanted to make dinner tonight and decided on burritos. Finn, Jack. Enya, and Drew sat on the island keeping me company.

"Hey Finn, what ever happened to box man?" I asked. We started laughing remembering that. Finn giggling threw a piece of tofu at me.
"Ewww" I laughed scrunching my nose.

Now it was night time and I turned my lights off falling asleep. During my peaceful slumber, I was shooken  awake. I opened my eyes to Finn and I gave him a confused look.
"I can't sleep"
"Wanna go to the roof with me?"
"it's 3 am"
He pouted, "please"
I debated not wanting to get out of bed, but I caved getting up.

We climbed onto the roof quietly trying not to awake anyone. I rested my head on his lap and we stared at stars. I loved the roof, it was the first time I told Finn I loved him, the first time I opened up. I never wanted to leave this house, I was scared for summer to end. I'd have to go home, face my fathers death. I shook the thoughts out of my head not wanting to ruin the moment. I had to stop worrying about the future and live in the past.

"You know you're the first real boyfriend i've had?"
"You're first?"
"Yeah, like i've never been with someone for more than like a month."
He smiled, "Well you're the first girlfriend i've ever loved."
"good." I joked.

We sat for about another hour but then went back to my room. Finn slept in my bed and we fell asleep spooning each other.

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