Part 11

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Nakidori Sensaina x Hawks

Part 11

Nakidori sighed, flipping through her TV a few times. She knew this day was to come eventually, but she'd be lying to say she wished it had come a little later rather than right now.

Being the number two pro-hero often meant the news coverage of you was almost to the obsessive level. Even so, Nakidori had thought that it meant only Hawks fights would be covered. But as of this last week, it appeared she and his relationship was nearly exposed.

Someone had seen the two out together at some time and had blabbed off about it on social media. From there it was only a matter of time until every news source started talking about who exactly this 'mystery woman' was and what exactly made her so special to the much-loved number two hero.

Nakidori had seen a lot of hate start already, and her identity wasn't even out yet. Lots of upset fangirls calling her names already and making terrible assumptions. Lots of news reporters going off false leads, and even some coming a little closer. And of course, there were the gaggles of women and even a few men who were claiming to be her and be the one dating Hawks.

Nakidori couldn't help but laugh as she watched all of their attempts to convince the media and their watchers that they were the ones who had made the hero fall for them. Some of them showing weird pictures they had captured of Hawks when they saw him in public or even a few that had looked to go a bit into the creepy stalker fan.

Nakidori only rolled her eyes, flip[ing the station to the next channel and listening in on an actual news story. It looked like the city Hawks patroled in was starting to get fixed up after that Nomu attack last week. Nakidori had been terrified when she was watching the newsreel of that fight.

Not only had her boyfriend been fighting that Nomu head-on, but Endeavor had nearly gotten himself killed trying to fight it off as well. They both were beyond lucky and more than strong to have been able to defeat that thing and walk away with only some damages to the city and themselves.

She had been waiting by her phone for the last few days for Hawks to call her. They usually always talked on a daily basis... but after that fight and him not calling for nearly a week, Nakidori could only assume it was because the male was taking time to himself to recuperate and get his head back on properly.

Nakidori let out a sigh, listening in once more on the news story about her. This time coming from someone who had apparently had seen the pair of them out together at that park after that failed fancy date.

Nakidori groaned. Why couldn't people just stay out of her and Hawks' private lives? She understood that fans were curious, but sometimes... they went too far. And this was in doubt one of those times, seeing as she was already growing tired of hearing any and all possible rumors of who she was.

From a co-worker to a rich socialite, to some fangirl, to someone just looking to make some money and fame off this relationship... Nakidori was seriously considering why these people found any sort of joy making up ridiculous rumors when they didn't even know her name or face yet?

In all honesty, she shouldn't be concerning herself with these sorts of matters right now. It was her one day off in the last two weeks! She should be enjoying herself, maybe going to see a movie or treating herself to a nice meal?

Not sitting around watching the news talk rumors and read people talking shit about her online. No more! She had a few things to do business and hero wise, but once those were done in another hour... she was going to go out and find something for her to do and enjoy!

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