[00] Introduction (Because I Have Too)

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hello everyone!


feels great to be writing again, finally, after a hundred years. so glad that you all are looking forward to philia :)

this book is... a little different than the last one. i'm trying out a new "style," of non-linear plot, where the time goes back and forth, not just forward. i hope this turns out well (i didn't pay for those script writing lessons for nothing, right?) i would also like to say that i expect philia to be darker than philophobia, as it is narrated by someone else. who? read on to find out XD

anyways, enough from me! i hope you enjoy this interesting introduction!

P.S. the actual first chapter will still be on sept 1st


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Introduction (Because I Have Too)

So, I didn't want to do this. No, really. I really didn't want to do this. But this woman here, my oh, so wonderful friend, Wyvern decides it would be a great idea to write a story about Byul's past. Oh! And rather than making Byul tell it, again, why not make Yoongi tell that story? That'll be cool, right?


One, I suck at story telling.

Two, I actually, really do suck at story telling.

Three, I absolutely, infinitely, without a doubt:

Suck. At. Story. Telling.

So, no. Not at all. I'm not agreeing to this. Hell, I'm tied up to a computer to write these—I'm just kidding, sorry. I'm not tied up to a computer—but I may be, you never really know.

Anyway, I really didn't want to do this storytelling business, even if my wonderful writer friend says that I have a talent in writing. Um? Excuse me, miss? I'm a music producer, not a writer. So, even if I do have talents, it's only enough for writing a persuasive essay for high school, which is gibberish and bullshit. (I've never actually written anything for high school either, but that's not important.)

But! Wyvern thought it would be a great idea. So, here I am, typing my life away in this stupid computer. I might die here out of boredom. But that's not a real joke, I'd never die out of boredom. I never get bored.


Right. Going back on track now.

So, my wonderful friend Wyvern wanted me to warn you people that there will be sensitive things in this book. I mean not just swearing. Actual sensitive subjects, like death and depression and stuff, though I believe you expected that, right?


I don't think it'll be too dark. Though, I don't know. I'm not the best judge on these kinds of things.

Continue at your own risk.

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