[01] Basically My Highschool Life

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hello everyone! great to be back and uploading again. thank you all for waiting patiently for philia. i hope you enjoy the story.

as i've said before, it'll be a bit different from philophobia, as i am trying out a new kind of style. but worry not, i don't think it'll be too different, since i am the one writing it (or yoongi, however you want to see it).

do write in the comments what you think about this chapter. i'm always exited to know what you think and i'll always try to answer to the best of my abilities.

anyways, i won't hold you any further. here's the first chapter of philia. enjoy!


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Basically My Highschool Life

february 2009


Okay, shit. What was that?

"Min Yoongi!"

Oh, it's miss I–need–attention–at–all–times. I mean, my math teacher. Who was her name again?

She pointed on the board with her wooden stick thingy. Her face was a mixture of angry and triumphant, like she's really, really happy she caught me sleeping in class.

"Tell me the answer to this question!"

I could see the ends of her mouth twitching, trying to hold that smirk of hers. Her evil aura spread over the room, raising the tension around the students. I can feel all my peers sweating at the silence all over us, even if they're not the ones being called upon.

I never really liked her. She looked like one of my grandma's friends that always scowls and never seems to be content with anything. Oh, and she also talks in monotone, like that new feature on google. What was it called again? Dictation? I forgot.

My eyes failed to focus on the question. I squinted, trying to rub away the sleepiness and actually see the said question. I must've taken too long, because Ms. Math Teacher slammed her wooden stick on the board.

The whole class jumped. I even heard a girl squeal.

"Min Yoongi! Answer the question!"

I rubbed my eyes. "Alright, wait. I just woke up."

I have no idea what that question is.

It's filled with weird jargons and too many numbers that I wish I never woke up. I would probably be sent back to dreamland because of the sheer amount of confusion I wield. Hey, that's a great idea. Pass out and avoid the question.

Now, how do I pass out?

"Detention for you Mr. Min!" Ms. Math Teacher said. Her smile was triumphant, and I do not like it.

"What?" I stood up. "Why did I get detention?"

"You did not answer the question."

"I'm trying to think, and you're shouting at my ear. You expect me to be able to answer the question like that?"

Murmurs passed over the students, quiet words of insults and confusion. I know what they're thinking. I was sleeping, I didn't even know the answer. I get about three detentions every day. Why the hell am I now trying to avoid getting detention? By now, I would've gotten used to it, right?

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