[02] I Got in Trouble, Oops

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i did not just forget that i have to update last week. definitely not. that wasn't me.


so, anyways. here's the second chapter. sorry for literally forgetting last week. i'll see if i can try to update again before wednesday, but i'm not sure so no promises. i do hope i can though. i also don't know why i chose pledis as the school name. i just thought it sounded great. i wanted it to be sm or jyp, but jyp high and sm high sounds stupid.

so, here's the second chapter. do leave a vote and a comment. i'm always exited to know what you think. enjoy!


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I Got in Trouble, Oops

february 2009

"Detention, again?"

I slammed the door shut, ignoring my fuming brother. He was standing just by the doorway, hands on his hips and staring daggers at me. I walked past him.

"Yoongi!" he shouted. "Get back here!"

My brother's house isn't the largest. It's one of those houses where you get to rent one floor, and the other floor is rented by someone else. So, two houses in one building. Yes, that's Junki's house and mine.

The other guy on the second floor complained about shouting. I'm sure he'll complain again today.

"Hey! I'm talking to you," Junki demanded.

"Oh, I thought you were talking to ghosts." I rolled my eyes.

"Yoongi! Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

I sighed and turned around, putting on my most annoyed face I could muster. I know I shouldn't be angry, but I'm in no mood to be yelled at.

Yoongi, you're never in the mood for anything.

"You little—" He sighed. "Until when are you going to live like this?"

"Until I die," I answered, tone harsher than I intended to. "You can shout at me all you want, but I'm not changing."

"You—" His frown deepened. "Fine, stay like that. Stay a worthless musician."

Something snapped in me and I lunged at Junki, grabbing his collar with both my hands. Forget that he's my older brother, or if he's a couple of inches taller than me. The only thing I cared about at that moment was two words.

Worthless musician.

"You take that back!" I screamed. "Take back what you just said!"

He pushed me away. "No. It's true. You're exactly like all those musicians dad said. Worthless."

"You—" I growled, but instead of attacking Junki again, I went for the front door.

"Yoongi! Get back here! You haven't even eaten dinner!"

His words fall on deaf ears. I didn't care, I just wanted to leave.

So I did.

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The walk to Dongjin's house was not filled with sunshine and flowers. It was almost night time. The air was cold and the sun stopped shining, replaced by an ominous purple hue. It was halfway to Dongjin's house that I realized I'm hungry, and that I don't have any money.

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