[03] Wow, I Actually Studied

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happy wonderful wednesday!

how are you? i hope you're all doing great today. here's the third chapter. thank goodness i didn't forget haha.

anyways, you guys are correct. tutor byul is here! and she's about to kick some sense into yoongi's ass. i didn't realize it rhymes.

as always, do leave comments and your thoughts on this chapter. i'm always very grateful and very exited to see yall's thoughts. also, don't forget to enjoy!


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Wow, I Actually Studied

march 2009

It's Moon Byulyi.

Honestly, I don't know if I should be annoyed or excited. In a way, she wasn't the worst person in the world. Okay, she's not a bad person at all, and I actually kind of liked being around her. Which is weird. I don't usually like nice kids.

I mean, some nice kids are nice because they want to appear nice. So their niceness is not sincere. I hate that. Why would you suffer just for the sake of appearing to be someone you're not? Byul isn't like that, at least from my perspective. I don't know if she's someone else entirely outside of school.

(Spoiler alert: she's not.)

I entered the tutoring classroom, located in what I like to call, helping halls. I'm not very good with names, I know. When Byul saw me enter, she grinned at me.

"No detention today, Mr. Bad boy?" she joked. "Take out your books."

I reached for my bag, unzipped it and pulled out my books. My hand was met with empty space.

"Let me guess, you don't have any?" she asked when she saw my face. I must've made a really surprised face. She shook her head. "I don't get how you didn't realize it sooner. You've been carrying that bag for a whole day."

"Must be at home," I mumbled. To be really honest, I don't know where it is. It could be lost in some class room, but she didn't need to know that.

She chuckled and shook her head. "Alright, we can use mine. But I expect you to have yours by tomorrow."

"Or what? I get detention?"

"Or I'll have to lend you mine again." She smiled. "And I'm not really fond of sharing my books."

I might have gaped for too long, because she laughed at me.

"Shut up," I said, but I didn't mean it.

To be honest, her response surprised me, but to be fair, her every being surprised me. The way she doesn't even care, or isn't even intimidated by the simple sight of me. She should be—the others are, but maybe she's the only one who sees me as who I am.

Just another person. Not Min Yoongi the bad boy, not the worthless musician. Just a person.

Byul started explaining the things she's going to teach, or help me learn, all according to the complaints of the teachers. It seems that I actually have a lot of catching up to do, because obviously, I'm always sleeping in class.

Byul explained everything. Okay, not everything. A lot of things. She even answered most of my ridiculous questions. Most of them, not all. Some are just too stupid it's not even worth answering. But still, she answered most of them, unlike the teachers. They don't even bother acknowledging that I've asked something, perhaps because they're useless or uninteresting. Or because they don't know the answer.

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