[06] The Start of Something New

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be honest, who sang when you read the chapter title? because i did.

a long chapter coming up ahead. i think i need to say this again before we start, since there is smoking and drinking involved. i do not recommend that kind of behavior, at all. so, please don't do that. it's not good for you.

also, i think i need to address this too, in case anyone is offended. i have absolutely no problem with people who don't graduate from university and just go to work immediately. i find them rather brave and talented, to be able to take that risk. like, not everyone can do that.

thank you all for your support. i really am very thankful for all the reads, and the comments, and the vote. really, you all help me keep writing.

anyway, chapter 6! enjoy!


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The Start of Something New

july 2009

"Are we allowed to wear make-up?"

"I don't know."

"I believe we can unless we're using really thick ones."

"Come on, girls, it's just graduation, why do you care about make-up so much?"

"Because it's graduation you big oaf!"

I pushed the gates of my school, walking away from the noisy upperclassmen. Graduation season is coming soon, and I am absolutely not interested. I mean, yes, it's a huge thing, but not for me. Not right now, at least.

I continued my walk home, past giddy girls and screaming boys. These people need to learn how to control their volumes. Seriously, I know you're all excited, but can you at least keep it down? No need to shout at every little thing.

"My parents are going to come, what about you?"


"Of course they're going to come, it's my graduation, stupid."


"They might be some busy people, you are from a pretty rich family."


"I'm rich but I'm not that rich."


I turned on my heels, finally registering that someone's calling me. Someone with a voice that I didn't expect to greet me anymore. Considering the time we spent apart, I was genuinely surprised Byul went to such lengths to just talk to me.

She ran up to me, bending down to catch her breath.

"Are you okay?"

Stupid, of course she's not okay.

"Absolutely fine, thank you." She rolled her eyes, standing up. "I was going to invite you to come to the graduation, just the last part, not the boring speech part."


"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked. "You know how I am, right?"

"You're actually worried about me? I'm flattered." She chuckled. "But, you know, I tutored you, so it'll give me bragging rights. Besides, it'll be fine."

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