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It's been a year Sakura...
Where are you?
How are you?
Are you safe?
Are you in danger?
Everyone misses you dearly.
We need you here... I need you here...
Please come back to me...


Sakura woke up abruptly from her sleep.
She looked at the window next to her.
She got up from her bed and made her way over to the window.

The moon was shinning brightly.
It was a quiet night. A really quiet one.

Normally during this hour, you could here the shinobi being tortured in the basement by the man.

You could hear their screams loud and clear.

It had been a year since he took her.
A year spend in nothing but fear and loneliness.
A year without her friends present.
What a horrible year it had been.

Sakura looked at the forest out the window.
She wasn't allowed to go outside, not anymore at least.
She had tried to leave,escape.. escape her terrible nightmare,but the man didn't allow that to happen.

He got angry with her and locked her up once more.

She remembered the feeling of instant regret at the moment of her capture.

She had one chance and she blew it.

It made Sakura cry thinking about how free she could be if she hadn't messed up.

The man was always watching her.
Never leaving her alone.
She felt.. powerless in his presence.
She hated it.

Back in the leaf.
"Here are the documents you asked for Ibiki-San."

"Anything new?" asked Ibiki.


Ibiki sighed. He looked at the man 

"You know the answer to that." he said coldly.

The man flinched.
"Uh.. r-right." he said in fear.

"No sir.. I'm sorry." he said sadly and looked at Ibiki with empathetic eyes.

Ibiki motioned him to leave and the man did as such without making noise.

'Just where the hell are you?' he thought and closed his eyes.

Naruto was sitting all alone at the dinner table of Sakura's home.
He was eating ramen as always but to him it didn't feel like ramen.

Something was missing.
Sakura was missing.

The past year Naruto felt empty.
Without Sakura here he just didn't know what to do.

The adults never told him anything.
They kept it all a secret. This angered Naruto a lot.

If there was a clue on where his friend was he wanted to know.

'It's not like I'll look for her' he thought
'I just want to know if there's a chance. A chance she'll return back home.'

Naruto was filled with hope that was slowly leaving.
He didn't want to let it go but he'd been hearing things.

Rumors on where she might be.
That she might never come back.

'I know they are just rumors but what if...'
It was that what if.

He knew she was strong but everyone has their limits.

Naruto got up and looked at the window.

"Are you safe?" he asked.

There was no one there to here him but he couldn't help it.

He missed her.

Next day
Sakura woke to the man standing over her, smiling.

Oh how she hated that smile.

"Morning princess!! Did you sleep well?" he asked delighted.

Sakura wanted to shout at him.She wanted to yell profanities and tell him the truth.But the truth angered him and when he was angry bad things happened.
She didn't like those bad things.

"Yes." she mumbled.

"Good" he chuckled.

"Let's go eat breakfast, yes?"

"S-sure."she stuttered.

"I'll give you a moment to get ready." he said and left.

Sakura released the breath she was holding.

She got up and made her way to the closet. Then she got dressed and fixed her hair.

After placing her shoes on she opened to door to the room.

He was there holding his hand out for her to hold.

She hesitantly took it.

"Mmmm you look beautiful." he said.

Sakura only tensed up and started walking to the dinning area.

'Is this ever going to end.' she thought.

'*::' *.
Agony had done it. She found it.

Found her.

She had been looking the past year everywhere. Using all her resources and her connections to collect clues and evidence.

It took her a long time but alas she was here.

It was a normal looking building.
Nothing strange seemed to be going on.

No guards, no cameras, no nothing.

She'd expected at least some form of security but there was none.

It was very suspicious.

She knew it was the right place but something felt off about it.

Suspicious or not she had to get in, no matter what.


Agony went around the building looking for an opening. Any sort of opening.

She was trying to be as cautious as possible.

She looked through every window and door but there was nothing.

The doors were sealed by walls.

She looked up at another window and she saw her.

There she was reading a book.

Agony couldn't help but smile.

Her smiled dropped when she saw him. The man. He was sitting... next to her.. or..

The man had her on his lap.

He was petting her head.
She could tell Sakura was uncomfortable.
This angered agony,a lot.
Her desire to enter, kill the man and save her was high but she knew she had to be careful.
This was something she couldn't rush but she was going to  break in.

All she had to do was wait for the man to leave.
The only way she could do done that was by using some form of distraction.

Sakura was sitting with the man when a loud explosion happened.

The explosion startled her.
The man got up and made his way to the door.

"Stay here." he ordered then left.

Sakura was left all alone.

Suddenly there was a noise coming from the window.

Without a warning a large stone was thrown and the window broke.

Sakura's eyes widened at the person climbing up.

"Ready to go, brat."
Hey yall! I'm back.
I was planning to write a separate book but decided this was better.
Hope you enjoy!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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