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Sakura was excited. The Ceremony for the academy was two days ago and yet she was still excited.

She and Naruto had been leaving together,taking care of each other.

Of course she still had her training with Ibiki but it had been moved.
It was now during the extra classes of the academy.

While the other children where busy with extra classes focusing on flowers and bombs or study hall , she trained with Ibiki.

Sometimes Naruto got to join.

Of course the other children couldn't know of her powers.

It would be too dangerous for them.

Sakura had made great progress with her powers.

She had mastered her phytokinesis, for now.

She could use telekinesis much easier.

Her chlorokinesis was also somewhat mastered.

Her mind reading powers needed work but she was able to read minds fast now.

She had trained her other abilities and was able to use them well.

She had also learned a bunch of jutsu, starting from clones to shadow clones to the transformation one,as well as a basic genjutsu.

She still had a long way to go though.


Sakura was getting ready for school.

She was getting ready despite the fact that school started in about 1:30 hours.

It was a bad habit she had to wake up really early. It was mostly Ibiki to blame but still.

Today was pop quiz day.
All the kids would be tested on what they have learnt so far. It was simple.

Sakura found it to be easy.

What they were learning now she had learnt 2 years prior. Although she was brilliant, she didn't let that put her above everyone else. Instead of keeping to herself she preferred to help others with their studies. She would always help Ino or Naruto and. anyone who asked her nicely.

Sakura was bored. She had a lot of time in her hands and she didn't know what to do with it.

She decided it would be best to make an actual proper breakfast since ramen wasn't cutting it.

One of the reasons Sakura loved her powers was the fact that she could use them when she felt lazy.

Shikamaru was jealous of that.

She didn't need to wait for something to cook. She could simply use her powers.

A yawning Naruto came down the stairs as soon as she was done cooking.

To Sakura's surprise it was quite early.

"Good morning Sakura!" he said cheerfully.

"Morning.." she said hesitantly.

"Is something wrong?" he asked worried.

"It's just that.. whoever you are you forgot that Naruto wouldn't wake up this early.. for anyone. And that's a fact even Zoro for one piece knows." she said.

He rolled his eyes.
"Wait.. who? The what?"


Naruto looked at her weirdly questioning her sanity. Once again.

Cherry blossom of the leaf (Book 2:Academy days) Where stories live. Discover now