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Back in the leaf.

Everyone back in the leaf village where looking everywhere for her but they had no luck.

She had once more dissappeared. This time was different. This time it didn't seem like she wanted to go.

Ibiki couldn't explain it. He remembered the way she ran after their talk at the Academy. He had to admit he felt bad but he couldn't just let her do whatever she wanted.

And now she was missing.

Shisui, uppon hearing that she had gone missing, ran like the wind desperately looking around the village for any sign of her still being there.

Her friends were really worried for her. Naruto cried a lot when the hokage informed him.
The civilians kept always told him he caused trouble and bad luck but he never thought to believe them,until now.

Itachi was filled with guilt when he heard the news. Especially after lashing out on her. He really needed to tell someone. He was planning on telling shisui but shisui would have exploded with anger,same goes for Ibiki.
He could tell anyone. Not yet at least. What he needed to do was find her and whoever took her.


With Sakura.

It had been about 5 hours since she had arrived. The man naver came to check in her. He also never told her his name.

She was currently sitting on the bed reading a book.
It was a story about a boy who had been ridiculed and hated his whole life. The boy decided to leave his home and go to the woods to find the Witch, in order to defeat her and prove his worth. He finds her and kills her but she curses him and gives him a very dangerous power to which he decides to use to destroy the world.

Sakura didn't understand the plot all that well but she couldn't really so anything about it.

She looked around the room trying to find something to occupy herself with since this book wouldn't cut it.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked the man smilling once again.

"Hello there! What are you doing?" he asked calmly.

She didn't say anything.

"Helloo? I'm talking to you, little one."

Sakura snapped out of her thoughts.

"Uhh.. hi." she said.

"Oh that's much better!" he said cheerfully.

"I'm reading this book." she said.

"Hmm... interesting.." he said.

'what's so interesting about that?'

Sakura didn't say anything. She just stared at him.

"Well would you like to read it together?" he offered.

'Bithc what?"

"Umm n-no thanks." she said stirring a bit. She usually never stuttered but this man was scary.
He seemed nice but she knew it was only a facade.
The real him would probably be uncovered soon. She wasn't looking forward to that.

Anko always told her that when men are nice it's always because they want something and they want to bad. She always told her to be cautious around men like that and to never give them what they want.

Sakura was lost in thought and didn't notice the man moving. He moved on the bed and sat right next to her.

She was only snapped out when he touched her hair.

She flinched immediately.

"Your hair's very pretty." he complemented.

"Thank you."she said.

'What in the hisoka is this?'

"Just like you!❤️" he said and smiled.

She just awkwardly smiled back not really knowing what to do.

'Ayo hxh called.. they want their hisoka back.'

"Do you wanna play with him me" he asked.

'Oh.. oh heeeeelllllll nahhh. FUCKING RANNNNNNN'

"Uhh... what kind of game?" she asked and moved away from him. He let her.

"Well how about this. You ask a question about you and if I answer correctly you do something I want but if I answer wrongly I'll do something you want. How about that?"
he said smiling.




'Bish whaa-'

"Begin." he said.

"W-what is my favorite colour?" she asked"

"Pink as well as black." he said.

"How did-"

"Now then.. I want you to move a bit closer to me."
he said.

"Uhh I don't-"


He said and she did as told.

"What is my favorite food?" she asked hopping he wouldn't know.

"You don't have one but if you did it, it would be between something sweet like Sakura tree shaped cookies or salty liem ramen." he said smiling.


"Move closer." he said.

She did as told and as soon as she got closer he immediately hugged her tightly.

"Next." he said his attitude changing.

"Uhh.. w-what is m-my hob-hobby?" she asked.

".... you like to read a lot." he said.

And relief washed over her.

"But you really enjoy sketching and drawing." he said and giggled.

Sakura tensed up immediately. No one knew that about her. Not even Ibiki. How.could he have known. Who was this man?

She shakingly looked up st him.

He had stopped smiling. His was staring at her.
He then smiled a very disturbing smile.

"I.. want.. you.."he started saying in a teasing way.

Sakura's heart was pounding with anxiety and fear.

"To.. never... ever.. leave my side."


Agony was eating some dango when she heard the news about Sakura.

She told herself she shouldn't worry. That Sakura was no one to her. Just a little girl she used to prevent herself from getting bored.

But she didn't even realize that the little time they were together she got attached to her.
She didn't know that was possible. Not that fast at least.

After deciding to go after the young child, she set out on her own trying to. find clues on where she might have gone.

It wasn't easy. Agony knew she wouldn't be able to see her again. Not for a while at least.

Everyone knew who was lookin for her knew that.

They didn't like the idea but they didn't have a choice.

Sakura a lovely little girl had gone missing ad wouldn't be back for a while. She would be misser dearly by those who knew her.

And she would be missed dearly by a special someone.

The end.
Hey guys!How are you doing? I hope you enjoy this cause this will be the last chapter.

Cherry blossom of the leaf (Book 2:Academy days) Where stories live. Discover now