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Hi there! Author here.
There's a few things I wanted to say:
1)I am very sorry for not updating. I have not been well and have been extremely busy,but things changed now and I have a bit more free time.

2)I have been thinking about ships in this book. Like who will end up with Sakura. This won't be happening soon, though.
So I need your help. Who do you think should end up with her?
Leave a comment.
Ps:make it reasonable please. I seriously don't wanna see madara here or Zetsu or anything like that.)

Thanks for reading this! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Sakura and Agony where outside the village.

"Alrighty. In order to get in we'll need to disguise ourselves as an actual mother and daughter."
said Sakura.


"Ok so let's start. Let's not go crazy over this disguise" said Sakura while looking through a box full of clothes and disguises she sealed in a scroll.

"Because if we do we'll-What are you wearing?"she asked looking at Agony.

"What do you mean. It's a disguise." she said.

"Yeah I can tell. Take it  off."

"Why? You said we have to disguise ourselves. I'm in disguise." she said confidently.

"I said we should put on a disguise and look normal."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? Isn't it normal?"

"Ok sweetie, I don't think a Santa Claus hat, pink fairy wings that don't even fit you and a clown costume pass as normal. "

"That's because people don't know what creativity Is. Do you even know what am?"


"Yeah see! I'm a fairy  clown who brings children gifts!"

"I-i don't think children would want a gift from you... Here wear this." she said and handed her a dress.

"Ugh.. fine.." said Agony and left to change.


Sakura and Agony where standing in front of the gate.

"Here's the paperwork needed."


"We are a traveling family of two and we are here to see a distant relative before we head on to continue our travels. Got it?"

"Of course! Lettuce go!" she said happily.


".. nevermind."


The two pretending girls went through the gate to a little office.

"Hello!" said Agony.

"... Name?" said the man in the office, looking extremely bored and tired.

"Well.. Ag-ow-i mean Agatha." she said smiling.

"Why did you hit me?"she whispered to her 'daughter'.

" We are trying to be discrete. "was all Sakura said.

The man cleared his throat.

"Oh sorry,children."she said and giggled.

".. Last name? "

"uhh.. beckovs."

".. umm very well."

Agony just smiled.

Cherry blossom of the leaf (Book 2:Academy days) Where stories live. Discover now