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"Not so tough now, huh?" said Agony as she was holding Sakura by the neck.

They where currently standing on a rock with one of the magical lakes beneath them.

Sakura figured it had something to do with fire.
The lake itself was boiling and Sakura could tell by sensing the heat on her face that it burned like lava.

"I don't care if you are a child. I will drop you in. This lake is known to be extremely dangerous. Anyone who jumps in or falls will die, slowly. Burning to death, like being in a fire."

Yep, Sakura's suspicions were true. It was about fire.

The woman chuckled and dropped her in.

She watched as the bubbles died down signifying that she was dead.
Then she left, feeling nothing at all.


Sakura was once again stuck inside one of the magic lakes.

She thought that the water was hot and that she would burn alive but that wasn't the case.

The moment she touched the water her skin developed horrible burns.

As she sunk down though she found the water to have a normal temperature.

She realized that the cause of deaths was not burning alive but rather drowning.

She tried to get to the surface but it was too hot.

Sakura could already breath underwater.

She swam around trying to think of a way out.

She couldn't she anything. All she saw was orange.

She wondered what kind of creatures lived here.

Before she could do anything her power decided to step in. In the blink of an eye she disappeared and reappeared into a random forest and she brought a lot of water with her.

She looked at the skyand realized she had been gone for 12 hours.
5 hours earlier.
Everyone was freaking out over the disappearance of Sakura haruno.

Ibiki knew Sakura would never pull a prank like that or just leave for a day without a word.

On the other hand the council was worried.
Not because they cared (even the tsukuyomi can't fix that) but rather because she was their most precious card.

Well her powers.

The hokage had no idea where she could have been.
He knew she was a smart child but you could never be too cautious.

He was beginning to think she abandoned the village.

5 hours later.

"Maybe if we send another tea-"

"No! We can't send that many!"

The clan head and everyone was arguing. The had been trying to find her for hours. Some of them begun to lose hope.

Suddenly, an anbu person barged in.

"Hokage-Sama we found the girl!"he announced and they all went with him.


The arrived at the forest where Sakura was found passed out under a tree.

Relief instantly over took Ibiki.

He was glad she was found but worried about what had happened.

Sakura for one was wet,as if she had been swimming. Where would she be swimming and why?

Cherry blossom of the leaf (Book 2:Academy days) Where stories live. Discover now