Flight 649

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Roza and I just sat in our seats, but before we sat down I noticed that Mikhail and Sonya were not in their seats. "They must be in line for the bathroom.", I said out loud.

"Who is in the bathroom?",Roza said turning to look in that direction.

"Oh..A few friends of mine from Russia that I went to school with. They are heading home from their honeymoon. I met them at the gate when you were sleeping. Mikhail and I were like two peas in a pod, you usually didn't see one of us without the other...Well, that was until Sonya came along."

"Maybe now I will get some juicy/funny stories that your mother don't know about.", she said biting her lower lip. That was one of the little quirks I loved about Roza. I don't think she realizes that she bites her lower lip when she is excited about something.

Without thinking, I reached up behind her head with one of my hands and pulled Roza into a kiss. She let out a tiny gasp in surprise of the kiss. I pulled back, with my hand still in her hair and smiled at her.

"Ewww..Why don't you both get a room.", Mikhail said as he took his seat behind Roza and I.

Before turning to face Mikhail and Sonya I said to Roza, "This here is Mikhail and Sonya, my friends from Russia that I was telling to you about...Mikhail and Sonya, this beautiful woman here is My Roza." They all awkwardly shook hands over the seats.

There was a bit of silence between all of us, none of us knew what to say next. Sonya broke the silence. "So Rose, how did you and Dimka here meet?"

Roza looked at me for a split second before answering Sonya. I could see Roza tense in that moment, I knew she didn't want them to know about her abusive ex-Adrian. She let out a breath and turned towards Sonya. " We met at a self-defense class, Dimitri had taken over teaching it."

"Dimka, didn't I hear from your sister Karolina, that you only took over that class a few weeks back?"


Just then the flight attendant came by and said, "Excuse me, but are you four traveling together?"

"Yes we are Miss..Is there a problem?", I replied for the four of us. We didn't start out traveling together, but we were all friends and going to the same place.

The female attendant blushed and I could feel Roza's fingers squeeze mine a bit. I laughed to myself, thinking how cute Roza looked when she was jealous.

"No, no problem..It's just..We have a family of six traveling together, that had missed their earlier connecting flight to St. Petersburg. We have only two seats in coach left and five in first class. We don't want to split them up because there are two small children traveling with the group. So what I'm wondering is, would you four be willing to give up your seats? We will upgrade you all to first class."

"We don't mind at all Miss.",I said standing up and Roza, Sonya and Mikhail followed. I don't think that they minded giving up coach for first class.


I cannot believe that the flight attendant was flirting with Dimitri...And with me right here. The nerve of her. My fingers were laced with Dimitri's and I gave them a little squeeze to let him know that I didn't like what the flight attendant was doing. I could see Dimitri smile widen and him laugh to himself. He must have thought my little squeeze was amusing, I would have to ask him about it later.

We were about an hour or so into the flight when Mikhail taps me on the shoulder, "Hey Rose." I turned in my seat to face Mikhail. "Do you want to hear a funny story about Dimka? It is about how he got the nickname Green Piece." I shook my head yes.

I looked at Dimitri and his eyes went wide and his cheeks turned beat red. "Mikhail, you wouldn't dare. You swore you would take that to your grave." Dimitri said embarrassed.

"I lied..So sue me.." Mikhail said with a shrug. "You see here Rose, I don't think you knew that Dimka had a thing for...How can I say this?.. Feminine undergarments..Wearing them that is."

I let out a little snicker. Dimitri just stayed silent and leaned his head back, face still beat red.

Mikhail continued, "Well..There were a bunch of us camping and having some fun. It was the summer before we graduated, so we were 17. We all had a few drinks, and playing truth or dare. Dimitri being the brave one, had picked dare. Sonya.. No it was Abby, dared him to prance around in a pair of bikini thongs, they were green. It was something that scared the guys for life, but the girls didn't mind it though. But the kicker was, the next morning when he woke up, he was still wearing the green thongs. He started to freak out because he couldn't remember how he got into them in the first place...Oh, and I still have the video to prove it."

I lost it laughing. I was laughing so bad that tears were coming from my eyes.

"Who's laughing at who's misfortune now smarty pants?" Dimitri said.

"Aww..Someone don't like karma?" I said teasingly to Dimitri. He rolled his eyes.

Dimitri started to tickle me in retaliation. "Ok,Ok...I call Uncle! I'm going to pee myself if you don't stop..We are even now." I could hardly breath from laughter when Dimitri finally stopped.

After that, I rested my head on Dimitri's shoulder and snuggled in. All that laughing made me more tired than I already was. Dimitri wrapped one arm around me and started to rub circles on my arm.

"Rest now Roza..We still have a long flight ahead of us." Dimitri kissed my head and snuggled himself into me."

Six hours later I woke up to Dimitri brushing hair out of my face. "Wake up Roza, we are just about to land. We are hear in St. Petersburg."

Mikhail put a hand on Dimitri's shoulder and said, "Do you guys already have a rental waiting? If not, our car is in long term parking, we can all drive to Bia together."

"No, we don't. But, we need a car while we are here. Thanks for the offer though. Once Mamma finds out I'm home she is probably going to have a get together, why don't you and Sonya come over for it tomorrow." Dimitri said shaking Mikhail's hand and giving Sonya a hug.

"We will." Mikhail answered, then him and Sonya left the plane.

Dimitri and I got our luggage from baggage claim and headed for the car rental booth. We were in the line when we heard, "UNCLE DIMKA!"

Dimitri and I turned around just before a little boy jumped on Dimitri. "Paul!..What are you guys doing here? How did you know we were coming?" Dimitri said in surprise, he looked up and seen his entire family standing before us.

"Yeva told us that you and your new girlfriend were coming. So we all decided to surprise you and meet you both here at the airport.", his younger sister said. The young girl turned and hollered, "MAMMA..YEVA! WE FOUND THEM."

I could see an older lady wave our way and started cutting through the crowd. When she got to us she took Dimitri into a huge hug and then me, which surprised me. It actually eased some tension I had about meeting his family. But, I tensed again when I seen who was just letting Dimitri out of a hug. It was the angry woman from my dream.

Dimitri turned her slightly and said, "Yeva, this is my Roza. Roza this is Yeva."

Yeva walked up to me and pointed a long finger in my face. "You..I have been waiting for you..", is all she said.

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