With Force: Yeva's Talk

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I made a few short strides to the front door. I wasn't going to enter quietly, so I took a step back and in one swift motion; I kicked the door in. The wooden door broke away from it's frame and hit the floor with a loud thud. I was making it known to Ivan that I was here.

Mikhail and I were immediately meet by one of Ivan's guards. Without words, Mikhail moved from behind me and charged at the guard.

Without looking at me, Mikhail said, "Go Dimitri! Go find Rose! I can handle this wimp." In the split second before I left the room, I watched as Mikhail's elbow connected with the guards's nose; breaking it and causing blood to spray out.

"IVAN! WHERE ARE YOU, YOU FREAKING LOW LIFE!" I yelled, taking the stairs two at a time.

When I reached the top of the stairs my jaw was met by a fist. I stumbled back down two steps before catching ahold of the railing.

The second guard came at me swinging. I was ready this time and was able to dodge his attack. I crouched my tall frame down and spear headed him, causing both of us to fall to the ground.

We both grappled for control, neither one of us was gaining any ground. My breathing was becoming heavy and ragged. I needed to get one up on this guy. I needed to get to Roza.

"Well, well, my boy.. I see that you finally made it. What took you so long?"

With out looking at Ivan and still trying to gain some ground on this guy, I replied, "When I'm done with this guy...You are dead...I kicked your ass once before...This time...You won't survive for... For a third time..."

While all the fighting was going on between me and the guard, we had both managed to get to our feet and were tossing each other against the walls and breaking the furniture that were lining them.

"You can do better than that Lukas!", Ivan said disgustedly from his perch in a doorway.

The guard Lukas, lost his attention to me for a moment and looked at Ivan. This moment gave me the opening that I needed. My leg struck out to it's side and connected with Lukas's mid-section, causing him to stumble. Not wanting to lose my headway, I struck out again causing Lukas to stumble further. He totally lost his footing this time and tumbled backwards down the stairs.

I stood in the hallway breathing heavily, with my fists clinched by my sides. I watched as Lukas was groaning in pain at the bottom of the stairs. I slowly lifted my gaze from him to meet Ivan's blank stare.

"You're Next..." I stated. With that said, I rushed my father. One of us was not making it out of here tonight.

I'm sorry, but I felt this was the perfect moment to stop this chapter. I know it was a really short one, so to make it up to you, I'm adding Dimitri and Yeva's conversation...On a side note, I think this is my favorite chapter in this story so far...Without further a-do, Yeva and Dimitri's conversation.



I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. I cannot believe that I let Ivan get to me like that and for Roza to see it. I had promised myself and my family that I wouldn't let him get to me like that ever again. I feel so ashamed of letting it happened.

While I was drowning in my own self pity, Yeva walked into the room without knocking. She walk right over to me and slapped me on the back of the head.

"Yeva! What was that for?" I said in surprise.

"That was for letting Ivan get to you and...*tap*...this is for not making that man hurt more...And this..." She raised her hand again.

"Ok, ok..I get it" I said moving out of her reach. "You have an odd way of teaching your point." I rubbed the back of his head. For an old lady, she has a pretty good hand on her. I can already feel a lump forming.

"I'm old fashion.", she said shrugging her shoulders. I smiled and laughed at my grandmother. "There is the Dimka I know." She smiled back at me.

Silence followed. Yeva was looking at me, waiting for me to speak. It was crazy and scary how that woman knew what you were going go say before you even did.

I turned half ways on the bed, so I could fully look at Yeva, and said, "Yeva...Can I ask you something?"

"Yes Dimka.", she smiled a knowing smile.

"What did you mean when you told Rose at the airport that you were waiting for her? Did you have a vision about her?"

She let out a breath and replied, "Yes Dimka... I did have a vision of Rose."

I was looking at her, waiting for her to elaborate. She let out a breath and said, "I want you to listen to me Dimka. I want you to listen and not say a word until I'm done."

I nodded in agreement and she continued.

"I started seeing bits and pieces of visions about her about six months back. Well, I didn't know it was her at the time. I kept seeing a woman with long brown hair and deep brown eyes. I seen her with you and you were happy. Happier than I have ever seen you. As time went on the visions started to come a bit clearer. I seen you two meeting for the first time at some type of class. I seen you both bumping into each other all the time. I even seen you two, you know." She did this weird hip thrust movement.

"YEVA!", I said embarrassed and my cheeks flushing red.

With a knowing smile she said, "Remember no commenting until I'm finished."

I cannot believe my grandmother had visions of Rose and I making love.

"Can I continue now?" I nodded my head yes.

"The day that you called telling us that you had taken a job teaching a self defense class, is the day the vision stared to change. I seen another man enter the picture, he was new to you but not to her. The visions started to focus more on her. I seen hurt all around her and a lot of darkness, but I couldn't see what the darkness was. All I knew was that this man had caused this darkness around her, but I seen you and you were all full of light. You were her beaken of safety, so to speak. Once the light completely covered you and her, the other man vanished. He will not be a problem for her anymore.

But, again my vision had changed the day before you got here. I was sitting in the living room when it did. I seen you getting on a plane with her to come here, that is when I finally seen her face for the first time. I also started to see the darkness again, it was all over the place so I couldn't see exactly what or who was causing the darkness. I just knew that whatever it was going to be, was going to test both of your strengths. On a better note, I know that you make it through the darkness." she said as her face lightened up a bit.

Silence followed for a few minutes.

When Yeva didn't start talking again, I opened my mouth to speak. "How do you know that we both make it through the darkness?"

A sly smile spread across her lips. "I also see Rose and your future."

I raised my brow and waved my hands for her to continue.

"Now, what would be the fun in you knowing what happens in your future? With that said..."

Yeva got up from sitting beside me and walked out the door, humming, Da da-t-da, da da-t-da.

I just shook my head. "What is that tune she is humming? I cannot place it.", I said to myself.

While I was still looking at the door, still confused at what Yeva just said, Yeva poked her head back in.

With a smile, she said, "Dimka?"

"Yes Yeva?" I replied.

"Don't worry, I have what you will need when you want it. You know what it is. Also, you will be a good one." Then she left again humming the same tune as before. I could also hear her laugh all the way down the hallway.

After a few moments to myself, I laughed trying to wrap my head around what Yeva just said. I hoisted myself off the bed and headed back down stairs to the rest of my family and to my Roza.

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