Blood Whore District

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I laid there in the bed, feeling, scared, alone, frustrated and dirty. Dirty because of what Ivan was about to do. It brought back all of my fears and worst nightmares about Adrian.

It seemed like hours had passed since Ivan left the room. I couldn't hear a thing coming from inside the house. No creaks, footsteps or hushed conversations. You could hear a pin drop if one did.

I could tell that I was on the second level of the house, only because of the view I had from a tiny window I had in the room. I could see a large tree, who's branches were scraping across the window pane. The tree were also obscuring my window from a passerby seeing it.

My eyes were red and puffy. No more tears were falling, I did not have anymore to cry.

I tried to sleep, but it would not come to me. Every time I would close my eyes I would see Ivan and Adrian's faces morphing into each other. So mostly I just laid there in a daze.

Suddenly I heard foot steps coming down the hall. Whoever it was, was trying not to be heard. Every time the floor boards creaked loud, the steps would stop. The person was making sure that they wouldn't wake anyone.

The footsteps stopped at my door. I watched as the person turned the door knob. I froze in fear, not knowing who was coming through that door, or what they were going to do to me.


We were all back at Momma's house. I watched as Dimitri guided Paul back upstairs to bed. I knew Dimitri wouldn't come back down. He was too miserable and upset about Ivan taking Rose.

Normally in a situation like this, when someone is kidnapped, you would call the police. But we couldn't. Ivan's pockets were deep and half, if not more, of the Baia's police were on his payroll. So, we had to search the old fashion way. On our own.

Momma, Yeva and Mikhail's Sonya went into the living room, leaving Karolina, Viktoria and myself in the kitchen. Mikhail went upstairs to talk with Dimitri and to see how he was coping.

Getting fed up, I pushed my plate filled of food across the table. "I cannot just sit here, I'm going back out to look for Rose. Dimitri is in no shape right now to go." Looking at my two sisters, with frustration and determination in my eyes, I said, "Are you coming with me?". We left without telling anyone.

We took my car and headed north end of town.

"Where should we start looking?", Viktoria said from the backseat.

"If you were scum beneath scum, where would you lurk?", Karolina stated.

We all thought for a moment, trying to think like Ivan. I shivered at the thought of trying to get into his head.

"I got it!" Viktoria exclaimed. "Blood Whore District!..Don't look at me like that Lina..That's what everyone calls that street." Viktoria was now leaning on the back of the front seats.

I shrugged my shoulders and interrupted Karolina's look at Viktoria, by saying, "It's worth a shot." We headed six blocks over to Blood Whore District.

We were tip towing through abandon houses and garbage strewn backyards, trying to find any clues to see if Rose or Ivan was here or around.

We were walking down the deserted street, when we noticed a man standing at the corner of a house, second last one on the right. He was leaning up against the house, hands in his pockets, kicking a foot at nothing and occasionally looking up at a tree covered window.

The three of us hid behind a pile of garbage that had long since been abandoned, watching the guy.

"What are we going to do?" Viktoria whispered.

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