Twice Suprised

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I woke up from a dream-less sleep, which I was grateful for considering the nights events. I didn't need anymore nightmares.

I lifted my head and found that Dimitri was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful and cute, I could watch him sleep forever. His shoulder length brown hair was a tangled mess and was slightly covering a bruise that was starting to show on his face.

I gently, with a brush of my hand, tucked the tangled hair behind his ear and lightly kissed the bruise. I made a mental note to kiss the rest of his unseen bruises later.

I could hear people up and about down stairs and even though I would love to stay and watch Dimitri sleep, I was also wondering how everyone else was dealing with what had happened.

Quietly and carefully, so not to wake Dimitri, I untangled myself from him and got out of bed. I still had Dimitri's hoodie on so I just grabbed a pair of shorts to put on. I walked over to Dimitri's side of the bed and gave him a light kiss on his cheek. He smiled, but still stayed asleep. I tipped toed out of the room and went down stairs.

Before I reached the stairs I came face to face with Yeva, she gave me a kiss on my cheek and padded where she kissed. She stared into my eyes and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. She removed her hand and walked into Dimitri and I's room.

When I was almost at the bottom of the stairs I could hear a few familiar voices. Voices of people that I didn't expect to see until I got back state side.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked questionably, rounding the corner that lead to the kitchen.

The talking stopped and everyone turned towards me as I entered the kitchen.

My parents both rushed to my side and pulled me into a family hug.

"Oh my poor child..I'm so glad that you are alright.", my mom said squeezing me a bit tighter. She felt me flinch and released me. "Oh, Honny.. I'm sorry.."

"It's ok Mom.. I'm ok, a bit roughed up, but I'm ok." This was a surprising truth. Yes I went though alot in the past 12 or so hours, but I felt like I was ok. I guess it came from the years of putting up with the abuse from Adrian.

I turned to face my Dad. His face showed mixed emotions. Love for me, hate and anger for I assume, Ivan.

"Is that a tear I see Old Man?" I said, tempting to break the tension in the room.

A sad smile lifted up the corners of his lips as he walked back to me. Without saying a word, he put a hand on each side of my face and kissed my forehead.

"Love you too Dad." My Dad never needed to say the words I love you, for me to know what he wanted to say. I knew how he felt about what had happened to me last night. I also knew he was plotting his own revenge on Ivan, just by now knowing what he did before he met my mother. I laughed at the thought.

"What's so funny?", my Dad said with a quizzical look.

"Knowing your past now Dad, I can just picture what you have in store for Ivan." I padded him on the back and walked over to the table where everyone else was sitting.

Oleana had a beautiful spread of assorted foods across the long table. There were different sliced cheeses, deli meats, crackers, biscuits, fruits and some foods I didn't recognize.

There were different conversations going on around me, but I was famished and was looking at the food, trying to find what I wanted to eat.

"Is this what you are looking for?" Oleana said to me with an amused smile on her face. She placed a freshly made sliced loaf of black bread in front of me. I gave her an appreciative smile as she walked over to my parents to see if they wanted anything. I giggled to myself, heaven forbid someone go hungry in her home.

The conversations we light and no one talked about what had happened last night. Everyone wanted to move on from it, which I was very grateful for.

I turned around in my chair to face my parents. "You two never told me what you are doing here in Russia?" I took a grape and popped it into my mouth.

"Well, we got a phone call just after you landed here, telling us to fly to Russia...When you get a call from a scary old russian lady telling you to get your butt to Russia, you get your butt to Russia... That Yeva...She scares me.." My Dad said with a little quiver of his body.

That is when the whole room erupted in laughter.

When I thought I had suppressed my laughter enough I said to my Dad, "My Dad...Zemy..Is scared of a little old lady?..." I lost it laughing again, I couldn't contain it any longer.

"Hey, it's not that funny..She is scary...", he replied with mock hurt.

My Mom chimed in, "We were also informed that we had to help our daughter plan her wedding."

"Wait..What?..How did you find out before? Dimitri only asked me several hours ago and you must have already been in the air when he asked.

It was Viktoria that answered that question. "Yeva told us yesterday when you, Dimitri and Paul went to the market.. She also said that she had called and told your parents and that they were on their way to Russia."

"Nothing is ever going to be a secret again with Yeva around.", I said to myself smiling.

I let out a small giggle and replied to no one, "Of course Yeva knew."

"So, I was the last to know?", I said looking at everyone. No one said a word, they all just smiled and nodded their head.

With a dramatic sigh I said, "Well, we are only missing one thing then..."

From behind me I heard Dimitri say, "The Ring."

We all turned to face Dimitri, who had just entered the room behind Yeva. Happy tears were brimming my eyes. I rose from my seat and walked over to a Dimitri who was down on bended knee.

"RoseMarie Hathaway-Mazur..Would you do me the kind honor of becoming my wife?"

For a brief moment time stood still and there was no one around but Dimitri and me. I looked Dimitri in the eyes. Those chocolate brown eyes held everything of mine. The held my world, my love and the rest of my life.

For the second time in less than 12 hours, I said, " Yes...Yes Dimitri I will marry you."

Good Things Come: In Russia (A Vampire Academy Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt