Fight For Your Life

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With fire in my eyes and my fists clinched in rage, I rushed towards Ivan. Ivan was caught off guard for a moment and stumbled back into the room. The weight of my body, went it clashed with his, caused him to fall and slide on the cold floor. He quickly recovered and gotten to his feet.

With loathing written over his face, he said, "Well my boy...I thought we were going to have a nice little family reunion...But, since you are going to behave like that..." Something vicious grew in his eyes and he lunged for me.

I managed to side step most of his initial attack. My shoulder took the brunt of the hit. When he hit my shoulder, a sharp shooting pain stung me in the shoulder.

I didn't let this faze me. I whipped around and grabbed the back of Ivan's shirt, body slamming him into the wall face first. His head swung back and ricocheted off the wall. His eyes went dizzy, but just for a moment.

Ivan's right fist came up to hit me in the jaw,but I blocked it. I then, while I still had him pinned, started to make rapid jabs to his ribs. I managed to do this for about 30 seconds before he was able to shove me off.

I lost my balance and was stumbling off to the side. Taking his chance, he came up and his left foot kicked me in my stomach. That knocked the wind out of me and I dropped to my knees. This gave Ivan the opportunity to land some right and left hooks to my face.

Ivan had me pinned on the floor. I was losing my breath because he had one arm pinned against my an older man, he was strong. With his free hand he grabbed me by the shirt and whispered into my ear, "I know now why you have such an interest in Rose...She feels soooo good on the inside...I know, because I felt her..."

That was all I needed, a serge of adrenaline coursed through my body. I managed to land a right hook to the left of Ivan's face. This caught him off guard and he rolled off of me.

We both rapidly jumped to our feet and started to circle each other, each of us waiting for an opening.

"Ivan, I'm going to make you pay for hurting Roza and the rest of my family. You have always been dead to us, and tonight I'm going to make sure you are unable to ever hurt us again."

"Is that a threat Dimitri?" Ivan said with a smirk across his face, cocking his head to the side.

"No...It's a promise..." I replied, with a smirk of my own.

We continued to circle each other for a few moments. With each circle we made, we kept getting closer and closer to each other.

Neither of us was watching where our feet were going, this was a mistake on both of our parts, but more so for Ivan. While concentrating on my moves, he didn't notice that he had gotten closer to the broken end-table that had happened earlier in our fight. I noticed it a millisecond before his foot stepped down on it, causing him to lose his balance.

He took his eyes off me to look at what he had stepped on, that laps of judgment gave me the opening that I needed to end this standoff.

I spearheaded Ivan back into the wall. His head hit the wall with such force this time that it knocked him out.

His body slid down the wall and slumped to the ground. I braced both of my hands against the wall and started booting my foot to his ribs. With the force that I was kicking and how many times that I did, it would be a miracle if I didn't break any of them.

I put all my anger that I had for him into those kicks. After I was satisfied of the beating I just gave him, I stepped away from my position and surveyed that damaged I just inflicted .He was battered and bruised and blood was coming from the cuts and gashes over the different areas of his face and hands.

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