Finding Roza

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I went into panic mode. What did Paul mean, they took Roza? With tears threatening to spill from my eyes, I looked into Paul's tear filled ones.

I kneeled down to Paul's level, I tried to ask as calmly as I possibly could, "Paul, what do you mean they took Auntie Roza? Did you see who it was?"

"I'm sorry Uncle Dimka. We hid in the shed like you told us to. I tried to stop him, but he just pushed me out of the way. Auntie Roza was kicking and screaming, trying to get away. The man from earlier just threw her down. She hit her head, I think, because she didn't move after that. The man just picked her up and left with her. It's all my fault. I wasn't big enough to stop him." Tears we pouring down his cheeks.

I pulled Paul into a hug and was stroking his back with my hands. "It's ok Paul, you were very brave in trying to help Auntie Roza. You did good Paul." I struggled to keep it together.

I stood back up and whispered to my family, so not to scare Paul; "The man from earlier. He must be talking about Ivan. The men in the house was a distraction."

Sonya replied, "Why would he take Rose though?"

I clinched my fists in rage. Anger was starting to course through my body. Through gritted teeth, I said,"He took Roza, because of me. He wants to hurt me for what I did to him. He must have been watching us. He waited until he knew I was inside and then went for her."

Karolina and Sonya took Paul up to their room to try and get some sleep. Momma took me into the kitchen, Yeva followed behind. I couldn't help but think of the warning that Yeva had said to wouldn't tell me exactly what it was, because she couldn't see it, it was too dark for her to see. All she said about it was, that I was going to lose what I valued most, and I was going to have to fight to keep it.

I sat on the stool, that Roza had occupied earlier and covered my face with my hands. "Momma, what am I going to do. He took my Roza. I don't even know where to start looking." Tears started falling silently on my face. I was lost and didn't know what to do.

Viktoria walked into the kitchen, she had jeans and a brown t-shirt on. In her hands she was carrying her sneakers and a light sweater.

"Where do you think you are going at this hour Viktoria?", Momma had asked.

"Where do you think? I'm going to help find Rose. Sonya and Karolina are getting ready too. This is the happiest that I seen Dimka in a very long time and I'm not going to just sit around and let that bastard take his happiness away. Not with out a fight anyways."

I got up off the stool and grabbed Viktoria. I pulled her into a tight hug and rested my chin on the top of her head. I whispered, "Thank you."

I was still hugging Victoria, when two other sets of arms joined in on our hug. It was Sonya and Karolina.

"Will get her back Dimka. Ivan has hurt this family for the last time." Karolina said.

"I need to make a phone call." I left the hug and walked out into the other room, dialing my best friend's number.


I woke up to the worst headache in the world.

I went to move, but I couldn't. My hands were tied to each side of the bed and both of my feet were bound and tied to the bottom of the bed. Panic started to set in when the events of the night started to come back.

I tried pulling on the ropes, but it only made them go tighter.

I lay there on the bed, trying not to go out of my mind. I closed my eyes and thought of Dimitri. I thought how is shoulder length hair curled at the ends when it was a bit wet. I thought how well formed his body was. I thought about how his perfect lips felt on mine. I thought about his eyes. Oh those eyes, I could look into those deep chocolate brown eyes forever and know my life was complete.

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