A Family's Veiw

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A Family's View


We all ate dinner in silence. Well, most of us ate. Dimka ate only a few bites and was rearranging the rest of the food on his plate. I didn't like seeing him retreat in on himself. I wish I could do something to help my big brother out.

"Momma, can I be excused?", Dimka said standing up with his plate in hand.

"Dimka, you barely ate a thing." She looked at Dimka with a frown. " Leave your plate and I will wrap it up and put it in the fridge for you for later."

Dimka left his plate and headed up the stairs to his room. Which totally blew me would always clean his dishes off, wash and put them away.

I looked at Rose as she watches Dimka walk away. She has a torn sad look on her face.

"Excuse me, I will go check on him." Rose rises from her seat to go.

"You will do no such thing! You are to sit back down." Yeva interrupts Rose's departure. Rose's eyes go wide in shock,but she obeys Yeva and sits back down. Yeva gets up from her seat and heads to Dimka's bedroom.

I turn my head and cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I waited until I knew Yeva would be out of ear shot and turned back to Rose and said, "You should have seen your face...It was pricless..Don't worry, Yeva still scares me sometimes."


I watched my boy walk up the stairs with a lump in my throat. Dimka didn't like violence, but he would kill for his family. He didn't like to see us harmed in any way and that is why he faced Ivan. Knowing what that man did to this family, it seemed to affect Dimka in tenfolds. He always thought that he had to face that man alone.

I wanted to try and lighten everyone's mood, especially Rose's. She just looked so sad watching Dimka walk away and scared by Yeva's comments.

"Rose, follow me, I want to show you something." Rose followed me into the family room.

She walked around the room looking at some photos that I had hung around. She walked over to the bookshelf and ran her fingers over Dimka's western books. She smiled looking at everything.

"Where did his love for everything western come from?", She turned smiling at me.

"I don't know dear.. I guess every little boy has a fascination with all things cowboy. Mine just never grew out of it." I said with a laugh.

"Rose come and sit with me." I padded the empty spot on the couch beside me.

She tore herself away from a baby picture of Dimka. The picture was of Dimka getting a bath in the kitchen sink. He was laughing and splashing about.

"Rose I know that you and Dimka haven't known each other long, but I know how much you both love and care for each other. Dimka told me about what you have been through and how he helped you through it. My Boy has a heart bigger than this room, but there was something that was always missing, that was until he found you. I want you to read this. This is a letter that he sent me just after the incident at the studio." I handed her the letter and encouraged her to read it.

Hi Momma,

I love and miss you all so very much. How are Sonya and Nathan's wedding plans coming along?Is she gone bridezilla yet?

Momma I found my missing piece. I didn't realize that it was missing until I met her.

Her name is Rose Hathaway. She has the most beautiful smile, big brown eyes and long silky smooth brown hair that I have even seen.

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