Camping Trip

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I couldn't quite wrap my head around what Yeva had told me. She said her piece, then got up and left without another word. I loved some of the things she said, but hated that there was a darkness coming that was going to test Roza and My relationship.

After a few more minutes of being alone I got up and went back down stairs to rejoin everyone. Momma was in the living room talking with Roza and Sonya, Karolina, Vicktoria and Yeva were sitting at the table having a coffee.

Walking into the kitchen I asked, "Where is Paul?"

"He went out in the shed to see if the camping gear was in there.", Karolina replied.

"Camping gear? Who's going camping?", I asked a little confused.

"I will let your Nephew explain.", Karolina said with a laugh.

I raised one eyebrow at my sister, then left the room to go see what Momma was talking to Roza about.

I could hear them laughing before I could see them. Roza's laughter was like music to my ears. I loved her laugh. Her laughs started from the soles of her feet.

I poked my head around the corner and seen Roza with a photo album opened on her knees. Momma was pointing to a certain picture and Roza was losing it laughing.

"Momma, what are you showing Roza?"

Momma looked up to me with a smile and said,"Pictures of you grown up."

I rubbed my hand over my face."Momma, those are embarrassing!"

Roza peeked up at me and bust out laughing again. "You..*Giggle*...You...*Giggle*..Never told me you are a married man..." She roared with laughter, tears started rolling down her cheeks.

I walked over to look at the picture of the memory I wanted to forget. You see, when I was about five or so, my sisters were into playing with barbies. They didn't own a Ken doll, so when they were playing Barbie's Getting Married, I would be made to be the groom, to each and every barbie doll that they owned. The picture Momma and Roza were currently looking at was one of those wedding days.

To join in on the fun, I took the album from Roza and sat it on the coffee table; I sat down and pulled Roza closer to me and said, "Roza, those girls were too plastic for me. I would rather the real thing." I tilted her chin up with one finger and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.

I could hear a tiny giggle, I broke the kiss and looked up to see that Paul had come into the room.

"Eewwww..Auntie Roza has Uncle Dimka's cooties now..Grrroosss." Paul said scrunching his facial features. This made us all laugh.

Putting a serious face on, Paul walked over and sat on my knee. He looked up at me with big brown puppy dog eyes. I knew I was in for it. He put his head down and started to play with a loose thread on his shirt, he asked, "Uncle Dimka and Auntie Roza..I was wondering...When was the last time you were camping?"

Roza answered with a smile, "Hmmm..The last time I was camping was about three years or more ago.. What about you Dimitri?"

"The last time I was camping was before you were born Paul, actually your mother had just found out that she was pregnant for you. So that was seven years ago...Why do you want to know?" I looked at him with a smile. I loved this little boy with all my heart.

Looking up at me with those big brown eyes and a grin missing a front tooth, he said, "Well, you see I never stayed a full night in a tent camping outside. I tried once with Momma, but I got scared and came inside. But..I would not get scared if two (he put up two fingers)people stayed with me and since you Uncle Dimka and Auntie Roza haven't been camping in like a million years, I was wondering if you would sleep in the tent with me tonight?"

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