Parenthood Pt II

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With most of the marked planets terraformed and under Irken control, the Tallest could return to Irk and take a well-deserved break until the remaining Invaders informed them that they were ready for the Organic Sweep. Purple couldn't be happier about it; this meant he'd get to use all of the new smeet stuff he and Tenn had purchased months ago. As soon as they landed, the first thing he did was to dress Mor in that cute lavender pajama with puffy cloud patterns he liked so much.

Speaking of Mor, he turned out to have daddy's big appetite! This last week alone he had gained a few pounds and grown a few inches. By now, he was already getting the hang of crawling around the floor and exploring the world around him; he wouldn't go too far, though; Mor always came back to Purple's feet and squeak for his attention; the Tallest was more than happy to pick him up and place him on his lap.

Sadly, Tenn didn't seem to share the enthusiasm. She seemed to be the happiest when Mor wasn't around. Though Purple didn't mind this, she was always looking for excuses to leave Mor with him despite the smeet's attempts at getting her attention; her body tensed up and avoided even looking at her son whenever she had no other choice but to hold him as if she didn't want to. She pretty much ignored him when he was inside her pouch, too.

Guess it'd take her some more time to get used to motherhood; she used to be an Irken Invader, after all, and before that she was an Irken Elite. Purple experienced that training too; they were always discouraged from showing things such as 'love' or 'attachment', emotions that can hinder a soldier's performance. Yes, that must be it, she just needs some coaxing.

"Hey, Tenn!" Purple had to raise his voice over Mor's wailing. "Come lend me a hand!"

Tenn pressed a pillow against her lekku, groaning. "What's wrong now?!"

"What does it look like? Mor needs his diaper changed..." Purple sniffed the smeet. "And a bath."


"So help me! I can't do everything by myself."

"You've never complained about that before!" Tenn retorted.

"I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that you could do your share! He's your son too, you know!" Tenn merely rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. Purple smirked when she walked past him towards the nursery, barely managing to contain a snicker.

"Shh, there, there, it's okay..." he carefully placed Mor on the changing table, unwrapping the blanket and exposing his little body; having gotten used to Ilk and Rouge's dirty diapers over the years, Purple wasn't bothered by the smell of the dirty diaper anymore. Tenn, on the other hand...

"Sweet irk-!"

"Come on, it isn't that bad. You've changed Rouge's diaper before!"

"I changed him once, that doesn't make me an expert

"No, but it makes it easier. Besides, you haven't bathed him once, my dear." Purple undressed Mor and removed the dirty diaper, sticking out his tongue as he threw it into the garbage chute. "I'll prepare the bathtub, think you could wipe Mor's... crevice meanwhile?"

"If I don't have a choice."

Though his attention was mostly focused on the smeet bathtub, Purple made sure to keep an eye on Tenn in case she needed a hand. There was a look of utter disgust on her face as she wiped Mor's rear and carelessly threw the napkins into the garbage chute. Mor had somewhat calmed down, distracted by Tenn's hands moving over him.

"How long are you going to take with that?!" Tenn cried out.

Purple checked the temperature: 28Cº. "Just a little longer."

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