The Detention Arrives

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 By the way, in this story, Ginny is in the same year as the Golden Trio.

Draco POV

That Weasley girl! She was so annoying. Why did she have to get me involved with her lateness? I stormed out of Potions with a scowl on my face. Crabbe and Goyle caught up with me. They were still sniggering at my misfortune. I shoved them. I didn't want to be stuck with that annoying girl in detention. Life was so unfair, especially to me.

The Night Of The Detention, Ginny POV

Well, it was the night of the detention. I tied my hair into a thick braid that fell past my shoulders to keep it out of my face. I tucked my dragonskin gloves into my pocket, just in case Snape wanted them to- to clean out the toilets or something. I just

"Hi, Ginny! Off to your detention, are you?" said Hermione primly. (She hasn't had a detention in the entire time she's spent at Hogwarts, and she won't let anyone forget it.)

"Yes." I said glumly.

"Well, you should hurry up and go, because the sooner you start, the sooner it will be over. But knowing Snape, I suppose he'll probably keep you there for ages." Hermione looked at me sympathetically. I felt like I needed a bit of sympathy.

Draco POV

I set off to Snape's office as soon as I finished my classes. I wanted to get it over with. I saw Weasley in front of me and I called out to her, "Hey, Weasley, I'm surprised you're not late! I thought you'd be sleeping in!" I smirked.

"You shut up, Malfoy. You can't say much, though you seem to have a lot to say. That's the reason you're here." she called over her shoulder, not looking at me. I couldn't think of a reply, so I made a face at her back. We were in Snape's office then, and he told us that we had to either be expelled, or start cleaning his office.

"I will be back in two hours. I expect my office to be so clean that I can see my face in the wood."

So we started cleaning. I was polishing the bookshelves when Weasley's hair caught my eye. She looked golden in that moment. I couldn't stop staring at her. Her hair looked beautiful, like a flame dancing in the air.

Ginny POV

I looked up to see Malfoy staring at me.

"What?" I asked, annoyed. He seemed to snap out of it, muttering something about sun and hair. I rolled my eyes, and went back to cleaning.

Draco POV

How could I have made such a fool of myself? Staring at her hair and babbling like an idiot! Who cares if her hair looks beautiful in the sunlight? I acted haughty for the rest of the detention, and didn't even look at her until Snape came into his office. We'd done pretty well, and his office was completely clean. He dismissed us with a small nod that said he was impressed.

Ginny POV

I glanced at Malfoy. His face was red with embarrassment. I didn't blame him. He did look like an idiot, staring at my hair. I smirked to myself.

"Don't worry, Malfoy. I'm not going to go all googly-eyed over your hair." I sniggered.

"Shut up, Weasley." he snapped. I did see a blush creeping up his face before he turned and swept off to the Slytherin Common Room.

Draco POV

I lay in bed on my back with the velvet curtains drawn around me. I stared at the ceiling of my four-poster. Why was the weird squeezy feeling in my chest still there? It hadn't been there before I'd been to the detention. I decided it must be embarrassment. I turned over and fell asleep.

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