The Room of Hidden Things

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Ginny POV

The next few weeks were bliss.

I was Harry's girlfriend. He was my boyfriend.

Everything was perfect.

I almost forgot Draco altogether.


I ignored him in the corridor. I ignored him in the library. I ignored him every lesson we had with the Slytherins.

And I found that I was better off without him. It was like breathing out after nearly suffocating.

"Well, Ginny, I'm glad you seem to have given up on Malfoy." Hermione said one evening in the common room.

"Yes, I feel much better now. I felt a bit trapped, you know? I trusted him, but he stabbed me in the back." I sighed.

Hermione POV - I've decided to include more POVs

"Why were you so mad at him? Couldn't you have just told him you weren't interested?" I asked Ginny. It didn't really make sense to me. "Couldn't you have just stayed friends?"

Ginny glared at me, her brown eyes cold.


"Why, Ginny? What are you so afraid of?" I wheedled.

"Because his intentions were different to what I thought."

I understood. Ginny liked to know things about people- Not to blackmail them or anything like that- but she liked to know everything about someone before she trusted them. She couldn't deal with the fact that someone could hide a secret so big from her. I nodded, to show that I knew what she was talking about, and we lapsed into silence.

Harry entered the room, kissing Ginny's cheek. I smiled. They were really sweet.

"Hey, Gin! Any news lately? What have I missed?" he asked eagerly, grabbing his 'Questions Of Quidditch' book.

"Nothing really. Me and Malfoy stopped being friends." she said casually.

"What? Why? Did he do something to you, Gin? What did he do?" Harry stood up, looking as if he would like to pummel Malfoy into dust.

I gave a meaningful look to Ginny. She glared, meaning, Don't say anything.

"No, Harry, we just fell apart. You know how it is sometimes." she put her arm on his gently and he relaxed.

"Good. I was worried for a second. I thought he'd hurt you."

Ginny collapsed into a chair, grinning at Harry.

She buried her nose in her book. I was close enough to see her mouthing the words,

"He did."

Ginny POV

"Hey, Luna! Nice day, isn't it?" I said cheerfully. It was morning, and we were having breakfast in the Great Hall.

Luna sat next to me gracefully.

"Today, I am watchful." She stared at me dreamily.

"Who of?" I asked, my mouth full.

"Draco Malfoy." She smiled at me serenely.

"Why?" I asked, my voice hard.

"Because he is acting rather oddly. He keeps going into the Room of Requirement, and I would like to find out what he appears to be doing in there. I saw where he went. It is the Room of Hidden Things. You know, the place where you hide things you don't want to be found."

Luna gazed at me once more, smiling. I grinned at her

"I knew he was up to something! Can I come? I want to find out what he's doing too!"

She gave me a shrewd look. I made a face.


"You are also curious?"

"Yes, Luna! Let's go!"

"I was under the impression you disliked him. I assumed you disliked him very much." She narrowed her eyes ever so slightly.

"You dislike him too! Now, let's go." I said briskly, and stormed off after Malfoy, who had walked out of the Great Hall. Good. He was on his way to the Room of Requirement. Me and Luna pretended to be talking quietly.

"I rather feel like... an auror, don't you?" whispered Luna dreamily, her eyes shining. I grinned at her.

"Yes, me too. Although, I don't think Malfoy is a dark wizard. It wouldn't surprise me if he was, though." I muttered bitterly.

"What was that?" Luna seemed to come out of a daydream. I guessed she'd been thinking about aurors.

"Nothing- look at Malfoy!" He had opened the room and was striding in.

I followed, and Luna scurried after me.

We heard footsteps.

We saw Malfoy opening some cupboard. No. A cabinet. He looked hollow. Like he didn't care if he was caught or not. He took a deep breath, and placed a galleon in the cupboard.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus. Harmonia Nectere Passus. Harmonia Nectere Passus."

He was muttering a spell. Then we saw the cabinet shudder slightly, then a snap. And a crack. Luna and I winced. Malfoy's face crumpled. He didn't cry, though. I raised my eyebrows.

"Come on! He'll be so angry with me! Please..."

He lapsed into chanting again. This went on for quite some time. Then he kicked the cabinet and swept out of the room, his robes swirling behind him. I realised something. When the door didn't seal up behind him, he would realise it was still being used!

"Luna!" I hissed. She nodded. She muttered a spell.

"It's okay, Ginny. We are invisible now. We will creep past him." she said, smiling at me. I grinned back.

We sneaked past him just as he left. He stared at the door a minute longer, then left, his usual sneer on his face.

What had we just seen?

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