I hate you, Malfoy.

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Draco POV

I knew it was stupid. I knew it was dangerous. I knew I should never have done it at all.

I wrote to Ginny.


I'm sorry.

I would stop liking you if I could, but I can't.

To think half an hour ago we were friends. You still trusted me. I still trusted you.

I ruined that. I am truly sorry.

You don't have to write back.


I posted my letter and sat on my bed. And waited.

Ginny POV

An owl swooped in through the dorm window and landed on my bed.

I read it. It was from... Draco.

I sat there, and the owl glared at me.

It was hard to believe that Draco and I, who had been such good friends, was no more.

I ruined that.

He did, I thought angrily.

I decided to write back. I decided a lot of things in that moment. I poured out all my anger, my feelings.

I posted it back. A flame of rage burned in me. I couldn't believe he'd think he'd compare to Harry. I stormed around the dorm and finally pummeled my bed. Then my anger vanished.

I put my hands over my mouth. How could I have said those things? I had just crushed Draco.

I looked desperately out of the window. The owl was long gone.

My eyes prickled. I pushed the tears away. He wasn't worth crying for.

Draco POV

I opened Ginny's letter, heart racing.


I know your heart will start beating really fast when you open this.

You'll think I wrote back because I realised I like you too.

You stupid idiot, Malfoy.

You twisted our friendship into a doorway, a way in.

I trusted you, and you ruined that.

I miss our friendship, but I'm better off without you.

I want you in my life, but I also want you to get out of it as soon as possible.

I hate you, Malfoy.

But I'm still figuring things out.

I love Harry. Not you.

You know, it's sad to think you'd hope that I'd ever like you.

I swallowed. I fought the tears. One slithered down my cheek.

I hate you, Malfoy.

I hate you, Malfoy.

I hate you, Malfoy.

She hates you. She really hates you, my inner voice hissed.

For once, I couldn't shut it up.

I hate you, Malfoy.

Fire and Ice (DRINNY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora