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Ginny POV

I knew Malfoy was up to something. Well, maybe I should call him Draco, now that we're sort of friends. He is always so distant and angry when I talk to him. I know he's up to something, but I don't know what it is. I need to find out.

Draco POV

I could tell Weas- Ginny knew I was up to something. I wanted to carry on being friends, but if Ginny realised what exactly I was doing, she'd unleash that Bat-Bogey Hex on me again. She'd call me a traitor, a word I hated hearing. She'd think I was happy to do The Dark Lord's bidding. I hated him. My parent's mistakes were now my mistakes. I couldn't get out of the situation.

Ginny POV

Draco was definitely up to something. I simply knew it. It was as if I had a sixth sense. I could read people like Hermione reads books, and that's saying something. I was with her now, and Harry and Ron. Ron was going on about Quidditch and Harry was reading a book. Hermione was reading too, but she looked more vacant. She kept gazing into the distance and occasionally smiling to herself. I nudged her and gave her a knowing look. She blushed.

"You like someone. I can tell- don't pull that face- and you're thinking about them!" I whispered.

"Wha- what? I d-don't know what you're talking about!" She turned bright red. I looked at her, one eyebrow raised.

"Oh, alright. someone. Happy?" she muttered, tomato red. I cackled. Harry and Ron stared at me.

"What-" Harry began.

"Nothing!" Hermione and I chorused, me still giggling. The boys shrugged, and went back to their conversation.

"Who's the person?" I whispered.

", don't be's...well..." She bit her lip. "Dean Thomas."

"Why would I be cross?" I frowned.

"Well, he's your ex-boyfriend, isn't he?" She wriggled.

"Yeah, but I don't like him, do I?" I shifted in my seat. My relationship with Dean had been stupid, and I don't even know why I agreed to go out with him in the first place.

Draco POV

I had Potions after lunch. Ginny was late, again. I was really grumpy- that is until Ginny burst in through the dungeon doors, smirked at Snape, who was glaring at her, and made an excuse about running an errand for McGonagall. I could tell she was smug about the fact that she could be late and not be told off. I felt lighter and happier as Ginny bounded her way through the Potions classroom. She threw her bag next to mine and sat at the place next to me. My stomach squirmed. My heart beat fast. I gulped nervously. Then I shook myself. I couldn't like... Ginny. No, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO!

Fire and Ice (DRINNY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora