Care To Dance?

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By the way, I'm getting these images off Google and I don't own any of them, I'm just putting in good pictures.

Thank you!

Ginny POV

We were just heading down the steps with Seamus when I saw Dean. I nudged Hermione.

"There he is! Now's your chance! Go!" I whispered encouragingly. She smiled nervously at Dean and made her way down the steps. She put her arm on his and they walked off, talking quietly. Seamus and I talked for a bit, then he went off with Lavender, who kept talking to him. I heard the words, 'Ron' and 'break-up'. I smirked. I looked like 'Ronvender' was no more. I sat by the bowl of punch and scooped some up in a glass. I sipped contentedly. This was a really nice dance. Then a thought struck me. Why was there a dance? It was random, and totally unlike McGonagall to organise something so...un-McGonagall. I was pondering this when I saw Harry making his way towards me. I waved and he sat down.

"Hi Gin," he sighed. I asked him what was wrong.

"It's Daphne. You know, Daphne Greengrass?"(He'd been going out with her for a few months). "Well, she has been acting all moody with me and always saying she has to go, making excuses about why. Something's going on." Harry sighed again. "Then...well, I saw her with..." He bit his lip. "She was with another boy. She was giggling like mad, and cosying up to him, and...she looked really sad and guilty when she saw me. I broke up with her."

"Oh..." I patted his arm. "Poor you. Well, at least you're not dating someone like that any more."

We talked for a bit, but it was kind of awkward, so he drifted off to talk to Ron. I was left by the punch bowl.

Draco POV

Potter had finally left Ginny alone. She was looking around, a happy expression on her face, and I decided I should sit with her. I made my way through the crowd and sat next to her.

"Hi, Draco." she said. I felt a weird squirm of pleasure when she said my name. Then I chickened out. I mumbled something about forgetting to meet someone, and I left quickly. You see, I'd remembered that I promised myself that she would be out of my life. I'd remembered my family. My pureblood heritage. My pride. Her blood status. Her house. Her family's vault at Gringotts. Her family. I'd remembered everything keeping us apart.

Ginny POV

I found Draco's sudden departure odd, but I had no time to before Seamus came over. He sat next to me (and I remembered that boys kept doing that while I simply sat there drinking strange-flavoured punch) and we chatted for a while. He left soon, and I got fed up of simply sitting there drinking strange-flavoured punch. I walked around for a bit, and got talking to Hermione. She talked about how nice Dean was, and that she'd never been treated as nicely by any boy. I listened , then got a bit bored and drifted off. However, there was a lot of people there now. I couldn't move properly, and I hate that feeling. Suddenly everyone got louder, like everyone was yelling. Everyone was yelling louder and louder, until I was breathing really fast. I tried to cover my ears but it was louder and louder. My cheeks felt wet and I realised I was crying. I stumbled backwards and-

"Are you alright? Ginny? Ginny? Can you hear me?"

Questions-questions-ones I didn't know the answer to. My breathing sped up, faster and faster, until I was crying and screaming and my heart was pounding and I felt like I wanted to die, right there and then, and I kept bumping into people, and-

Suddenly, everything was okay. It was quiet. Peaceful. I could breathe. I could move. I breathed out.

I heard someone's voice. Draco's.

"Ginny? Ginny? Ginny, we're in the library. Professor Dumbledore somehow magicked us into here. I don't know what...that was." He shook my shoulders. I blinked and he came into focus. His face was twisted with shock and concern. I gave him a watery smile. He sighed with relief.

"Can we go back? I want to have a bit more of that punch! And...Draco?" I asked tentatively.


"Will you stay with me when we're there? I think it would be better if someone I knew was with me. Just in case."

"Of course!" He said.

We went back to the Great Hall and sat back at the punch table. I seemed to be sitting there a lot. Draco and I talked for a while, then he drifted away for a while (with my permission) and talked to one of his mates. His friend whispered and laughed and gestured towards me. Draco gave him a look and he stopped.I bent my head.

They all must think I am a weirdo, I thought. I sniffed. Then someone tapped my shoulder.

"Care to dance?"

It was Draco. I sniffed again. Then I tried to smile.

"Okay, but-"

"Ginny!" Harry called. "Want to dance a bit? You don't want to be hanging around...him." I had to go. I needed to. I'd never really managed to shake off my little (okay, maybe not that little )crush on Harry. I smiled apologetically, and then walked over to Harry. I took his hand and he placed one hand on my waist and we swayed to the music for a while. I grinned and Harry did too. My 'little' crush got stronger. I gazed at his emerald-green eyes. They were so...full. Of liking and happiness. Then I stepped back slightly, to test, and, like I hoped he would, he stepped forward. It was suddenly quieter, or maybe it was all in my head. It had suddenly become...romantic. Peaceful. Happy.

Then we moved slowly into a corner, and swayed there, in pure sensation. I had never realised how amazing he was. He was so brave and sacrificing, but he had love in his heart, and fire in his blood, and I knew, there and then, that he liked me. In that way. And I liked him too. I suppose he realised too, because that's when it happened. We kissed. It was the most amazing thing I had ever felt. A fire burned in me. I kissed him. I KISSED HIM! I was finally living out all my childhood imaginations.

Then it was over. We stared at each other. Then he smiled and I smiled too. No-one had seen us. We were in our own little bubble. Or so I thought.

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